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WalletHub Study: New Jersey Is 2024’s State with the 9th Worst Taxpayer ROI

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, with Tax Day coming up on April 15 and 72% of Americans thinking their current tax rate is too high, WalletHub today released its report on the states with the Best & Worst Taxpayer Return on Investment in 2024, as well as expert commentary.

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WalletHub Study: New Jersey Has the 9th Highest Tax Rates in the Country

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, with Tax Day looming and 81% of people being more worried about inflation than taxes this year, WalletHub today released its 2023 Taxpayer Survey, as well as its yearly report on the States with the Highest & Lowest Tax Rates, in order to help people better understand this confusing time of year. You can find highlights from both below, followed by the full list of WalletHub’s 2023 taxpayer resources.

Continue reading WalletHub Study: New Jersey Has the 9th Highest Tax Rates in the Country