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Jeff Voigt : New council members will be determining the fate of our Village of Ridgewood for years to come

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood

Dear Village of Ridgewood Resident:

It is important for those voting in the upcoming election to consider who you are voting for as; the new council members will be determining the fate of our Village for years to come.  The following video describes why.   It has been my position all along that we need to develop the downtown of Ridgewood in a sensible and pragmatic way such that the character of our town is maintained; not only in its look and feel but in how many people we can reasonably accommodate – which in turn affects how we treat each other.   Don’t get me wrong – I am for development.  However, too much development will likely result in overcrowding in our downtown and; will create a different dynamic in our dealings with each other.  The slate of Evan Weitz, Janice Willet and Richard Brooks will aggressively move forward with the policies of the current council majority.  These policies benefit the few to the detriment of the many.  Thus the bad policy making and mismanagement of  Aronsohn, Pucciarelli, and Hauck will be perpetuated.  If this is a concern of yours and you do not want our Village turned into something different – I would ask for your vote.   My first priority is to ensure I do what is best for the entire Village and not for special interests.


Village Council Candidate Jeff Voigt