November 7,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Wikileaks revealed the shocking extent of the collusion between the mainstream media and the Clinton campaign. Now, Garrett for Congress has discovered that the New Jersey media is complicit in assisting Clinton protégé and Democrat congressional candidate Josh Gottheimer try to avoid FBI investigation for his violation of federal law.
Josh Gottheimer is currently running a campaign advertisement on New Jersey television in which he has forged government documents in order to fabricate claims that Congressman Scott Garrett is involved in corruption.
Shockingly, Gottheimer’s campaign admitted his deceit to the Star Ledger: “An official with the Gottheimer campaign confirmed that it had produced the ad and manipulated the image,” according to article text posted at 9:17pm on November 2, 2016.
Falsifying government documents is a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code § 912.
This violation of federal law was flagged for New Jersey journalists by Garrett for Congress, and magically, the Star Ledger article was updated at 10:36pm with more cautious language, seemingly to avoid implicating Josh Gottheimer for his crime. This is a blatant attempt by the Star Ledger to help Josh Gottheimer bend the truth.
We’ve seen media bias throughout the campaign as the New Jersey press corps has ignored coverage of charges of impropriety against Gottheimer, but this is the first time we’ve actually caught the press in the act of covering for his campaign.
In the Bergen Record article ,Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, the “Fact check ” article is devoid of facts .This article is just another hit job by the Bergen Record. There is no fact checking.
Gottheimer committed a Federal Crime by fraudulently forging a document he used in a commercial. He substituted the letterhead of the Office of Congressional Ethics to an original document that contained no such heading. The letter was from a left wing so called “ethics” organization. The original heading contained the letterhead of that leftist group. This forgery was committed to give the false impression that Congressman Garrett was being investigated by Congress.