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Outsiders take over GOP

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By Jonathan Easley – 08/12/15 03:42 PM EDT

Outsiders who have never before held political office are dominating the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Donald Trump is the GOP front-runner, while businesswoman Carly Fiorina is surging after a strong performance in last week’s debate.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is also showing strength, and is a candidate to watch in the Iowa caucuses, where he is outperforming former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Conservatives are thrilled with the developments.

“This is a paradigm shift,” conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace told The Hill. “The base of the party is in open revolt. We’re watching a political party dissolve. It’s a civil war and the GOP as it’s constructed may not survive.”

Others think Republican voters will eventually coalesce around a more traditional GOP candidate — perhaps Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker or Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

They believe Trump’s rise is a product of his celebrity and a media frenzy that will ultimately fizzle. They doubt that Carson and Fiorina will be able to compete in the fundraising fight, or pull together the political operation to make a deep run through the primaries.

But for now, the anti-establishment wing of the GOP is on the upswing.

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Trump Schools the Republican Establishment

The Celebrity Apprentice

GOP elites are only making The Donald stronger.


July 28, 2015

“Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably,” the great Homer Simpson once observed. “The lesson is: never try.”

That’s probably how the so-called “smart set” within the Republican Party feels these days. Ever since Mitt Romney’s 2012 defeat—a loss that caught everyone off guard except for people who followed public opinion polls or read a newspaper—we Republicans were promised a tough, new approach to the presidential primary process.

No longer would the “non-serious candidates”—a term the bigwigs applied to people like Michele Bachmann or Herman Cain—be permitted to dominate the news cycles. This time the GOP would be a well-oiled machine, with a handful of candidates who quickly and quietly made way for the coronation of King Bush the Third.

And yet here we are.

The first GOP debate, televised on August 6 on Fox News, is already a total backfire for the establishment. Based on the latest polls, it will likely include every single one of the candidates the Republican elite despises: Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz—and banish to the losers’ consolation round exactly the types of candidates the establishment presumably wants to showcase: a female business leader, an Indian-American son of immigrants and the consensus-building governor of the crucial electoral state of Ohio.

The controlled, somber and oh-so-civilized process that the GOP promised its donors is now the biggest free-for-all in American political history. The blame for this, of course, is all being thrown in one direction.

Read more:

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‘Our Country’s Going to Hell’: Trump Says People Are Tired of Incompetent Politicians


On “Hannity” tonight, Donald Trump said he’s disappointed with our country’s leaders, particularly President Obama, who he called the worst president in the history of the U.S.

Trump said that Obama has been a disaster for the country, pointing to the nuclear agreement with Iran as a recent example of the president’s failures.

Trump added that Obama is just like most politicians: All talk and no action.

Trump said that his anti-politician message is resonating with Americans, and that’s why he’s currently leading in the polls.

“People are tired of incompetent politicians running our country,” Trump said. “When they see a deal like the Iran nuclear deal, when they see how badly our veterans are taken care of, they’re just sick and tired of it.”

Trump added that many people are asking him to run as an independent, but he doesn’t see why he would do that when he’s the leading Republican in the polls.

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by JOHN NOLTE24 Jul 20155,793

A YouGov poll conducted through Wednesday not only shows that Donald Trump’s support has surged among Republicans in the wake of the backlash against unfortunate comments the billionaire businessman made about Senator

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
’s war record, veterans currently serving in the military view Trump more favorably than McCain.

Among current veterans, a full 53% view Trump favorably compared to just 41% for McCain.

McCain’s unfavorable rating with this group is also higher than Trump’s, 49% to 42% respectively.

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NV POLL: Hispanic voters siding with Trump


JULY 22, 2015

For all the hammering Donald Trump has taken from the media over his statements on illegal immigration and the southern border surge, it’s not having much effect on the likeliest group: Hispanics.

NV poll R
[Republicans Primary Voters Only] Assuming you had to vote today, which 2016 GOP Candidate would you vote for? (PRNewsFoto/One America News Network)
A poll released by One America News Network finds Nevada voters are giving Trump a commanding lead among the Republican presidential contenders:

Trump argues he’ll win Hispanic vote if GOP nominee, notes he employs ‘thousands of Hispanics’

Associated PressJuly 15, 2015 | 9:16 a.m. EDT

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Weekend Iowa Poll: No Trump Slump for McCain Remarks


Poll: Donald Trump takes double-digit lead over the GOP presidential field

The Pundits Seem to under estimate how much the base hates McCain 


AMES, Iowa – Donald Trump ignited a political furor with his weekend comments about Sen. John McCain’s war record, but the first polling released since then shows no change in his standing.

A Monmouth University poll of Iowans released Monday and conducted over the weekend showed Scott Walker continues to maintain a solid lead in the Iowa Republican caucus, though Trump has gained an edge over the rest of the field and now stands alone in second place.

Of likely caucus attendees, 22% told pollsters that they’d support the Wisconsin governor in next winter’s matchup, but 13% said they would back Trump, who has suddenly catapulted to the front of some national polls. Trump only earned 4% of Republicans’ support in a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg survey conducted in May, a month before Trump announced his campaign and made a string of controversial comments that came alongside his rise.


Poll: Donald Trump takes double-digit lead over the GOP presidential field

By Neetzan Zimmerman

Donald Trump is soaring over his GOP rivals in a new nationwide Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted amid his controversial comments about Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) “war hero” status.

According to the just-released poll, Trump — with 24 percent support among likely Republican voters — holds a comfortable, double-digit lead over nearest competitor Scott Walker, who captures 13 percent support.

Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, and Sen. Marco Rubio round up the top 5 with 12, 8, and 7 percentage points of support, respectively. Sen. Rand Paul, meanwhile, sits in sixth place with 5 percentage points.

Despite his seemingly frontrunner-like numbersand a significant 20 point bump since the lastWashington Post/ABC News poll was taken in May, the poll’s authors said Trump suffered a considerable drop following his remarks about McCain on Saturday.

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Trump : McCain has abandoned our veterans. I will fight for them.


Trump: I don’t need to be lectured
EDT July 19, 2015

John McCain has called his own constituents who want a secure border “crazies.”  No one in the news media or the establishment, including theRepublican National Committee, criticized the senator for those comments.

Now, as respected reporter Sharyl Attkisson has proved point by point, the news media are also distorting my words. But that is not my point. McCain the politician has failed the state of Arizona and the country.

During my entire business career, I have always made supporting veterans a top priority because our heroes deserve the very best for defending our freedom. Our Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals are outdated dumps. I will build the finest and most modern veterans hospitals in the world. The current medical assistance to our veterans is a disaster. A Trump administration will provide the finest universal access health care for our veterans. They will be able to get the best care anytime and anywhere.

Thanks to McCain and his Senate colleague Bernie Sanders, their legislation to cover up the VA scandal, in which 1,000+ veterans died waiting for medical care, made sure no one has been punished, charged, jailed, fined or held responsible. McCain has abandoned our veterans. I will fight for them.

The reality is that John McCain the politician has made America less safe, sent our brave soldiers into wrong-headed foreign adventures, covered up for President Obama with the VA scandal and has spent most of his time in the Senate pushing amnesty. He would rather protect the Iraqi border than Arizona’s. He even voted for the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015, which allows Obama, who McCain lost to in a record defeat, to push his dangerous Iran nuclear agreement through the Senate without a supermajority of votes.

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McCain, Trump Controversy our two cents


Yesterday Republican National Committee (RNC) responded to the John McCain ,Donald Trump controversy and we have responded to them .

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chief Strategist and Communications Director Sean Spicer released the following statement in response to Donald Trump’s comments:
“Senator McCain is an American hero because he served his country and sacrificed more than most can imagine. Period. There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably.”

we respond……
John McCain may have been a war hero but he dose not have a right to continue to disparage voters and act like a jerk , that’s the issue. If he is going to continue to play the “hero” card then he should start acting like one. We also agree with  Donald Trump in that McCain needs to apologize end of story .

As for the RNC despite the fact of a landslide Victory in the last election , the Republican Majority has nothing to show for it what so ever !  Far more energy should be devoted to creating compelling policy and better marketing of that policy than attacking Republicans who don’t tow the inside the beltway party line. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is getting a bit old.

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Straight Talk of Steroids


David Catanese is senior politics writer for U.S. News & World Report

The most meaningful moment of Donald Trump’s spectacle of a presidential campaign thus far may have come during a solemn evening news conference last Friday in Los Angeles, when he stood silently behind the family members of crime victims.

One after another, a father or mother or aunt spoke emotionally about the death of a son or nephew at the hands of someone who was in the country illegally.

“Nobody wants to hear from us,” lamented Don Rosenberg, whose 25-year-old son was struck and then run over three times by a car driven by an unlicensed man from Honduras. “We get ignored constantly.”

Lupe Moreno, a Hispanic woman who wore a button with a photograph of her deceased nephew, Ruben Morfin, fought back tears while describing his death: Gunned down at age 13 in Salinas, California, by an immigrant without the proper legal documents.

[READ: The Second-Quarter Game Changers]

“Our children are dying every day. They’re being raped. They’re being brutalized,” Moreno said in raw remarks that echoed Trump’s controversial missive about Mexican immigrants last month. Her sister had gone to Capitol Hill 20 years ago to deliver congressional testimony she hoped would spur action to move against those who broke the law to get to the U.S. They’re still grieving, and still waiting.

Moreno thanked Trump for speaking hard truths. Then, with a pained look on her face, she scolded the reporters in the room for failing to adequately cover the deaths or describe the perpetrators’ legal status: “You’re not helping at all; those other candidates aren’t helping, either. I wish they had the cojones of our forefathers.”

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Poll: Most Hispanic Voters Don’t Think A Path To Citizenship Is Solution

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More than 60 percent of registered Hispanic voters do not think a pathway to citizenship for illegals would benefit the country, and most do not see it as the best way to solve the country’s immigration problems, a new poll shows.

Of the 62 percent who felt a pathway to citizenship for illegals would not benefit the country, 33 percent felt it would hurt the economy, 7 percent felt it would overly burden public schools and 10 percent felt it would create public safety issues,the McKeon & Associates Wednesday poll found.

See the poll :

“The economy is still the issue,” Michael McKeon told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When 33 percent think immigration will hurt the economy, that’s what’s on their min

Read more:

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Trump: ‘NBC and Macy’s Support Illegal Immigration’

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Ashley Rae Goldenberg

After Macy’s announced the company will be joining NBCand severing ties with presidential candidate Donald Trump, Trump has responded by issuing a statement declaring, “Clearly, NBC and Macy’s support illegal immigration.”

In his statement, Trump writes,

“Clearly, NBC and Macy’s support illegal immigration, which is totally detrimental to the fabric of our once great country. Both Macy’s and NBC totally caved at the first sight of potential difficulty with special interest groups who are nothing more than professional agitators, who are not looking out for the people they purport to represent, but only for themselves. It is people like this that are actually running our country because our leaders are weak and ineffective.”