![Undocumented Driver License Bill Includes Undocumented Voters ! NJ+Drivers+License[1]](https://theridgewoodblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/WEBNJDriversLicense1.jpg)
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
River Vale NJ,Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi ,” Today the Assembly Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to permit undocumented immigrants to receive full driver’s licenses in New Jersey. As with all bills the devil always lies in the details. While I would consider a type of driving privilege card for those who may not be here legally, this bill once again goes too far. One of my biggest issues with the bill is that just last year Governor Murphy signed into law an automatic voter registration law under which anyone and everyone who applies for a driver’s license in New Jersey automatically is registered to vote. You must pro actively exempt yourself or you are now eligible to vote in every election. All penalties for improperly registering to vote also were removed in that bill with a presumption that if you get “caught” you didn’t mean to do it (the specific language in A2014 signed into law in 2018 says “e. If a person who is not entitled to vote becomes registered to vote pursuant to this section, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization, and the person shall not be deemed to have committed a crime under 29 R.S.19:34-1). Therefore we are now potentially automatically registering to vote undocumented individuals who otherwise are prohibited from voting in our elections without real protections to prevent this. No one has given me any assurance as to how the State intends to prevent this from occurring. No language is in this bill that exempts these basic licenses from automatic registration.
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