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Scattered Personal Belongings on Glen Rock Street Leads to Discovery of Car Theft

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on Monday morning, residents of Glen Rock noticed an unusual sight: purses and personal belongings strewn across two streets. This prompted police to uncover a case of a stolen car that had taken place just an hour earlier.

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Warm-up Thefts , Criminal Like Warm Cars Too

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp. of Washington NJ, during the winter we know it is more comfortable to get in a warm car. However, even during daylight hours, please do not leave your vehicle running unattended.
Moments ago a vehicle was left running unattended and taken from our West side of town. Please remain vigilant and do not leave your vehicle running, unlocked, unattended at anytime.
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Stolen Unlocked Car in Glen Rock Located in Paterson

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on Monday July 12th at  05:48 AM a Southboro Lane resident reported to Glen Rock Police that their 2013 Honda Civic had been stolen from their driveway overnight. The vehicle had been left unlocked with the keys in it. The resident also reported that $9,000 worth of golf equipment and a laptop computer in the vehicle along with $218,000 worth of orthopedic instruments and implants associated with the resident’s employment, had been in the vehicle when it was taken.

Continue reading Stolen Unlocked Car in Glen Rock Located in Paterson