the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, while New Jersey and the rest of U.S. is debating a gigantic increase in subsidies for wind, solar and electric cars, Europe is slowly but surely discovering the benefits of nuclear power.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, while New Jersey and the rest of U.S. is debating a gigantic increase in subsidies for wind, solar and electric cars, Europe is slowly but surely discovering the benefits of nuclear power.
When looking to maintain your home in great shape, your roof should be a priority. It protects you against all weather conditions. While It might cost you a bit to fix it, it’s necessary to do so for your safety. Paying now will save you from having to pay much more later.
Your roof is always under attack by the sun, wind, rain, and ice. It won’t stay in perfect shape forever as it has a life span. If you wait until it’s damaged, there are many risks too significant to ignore. Additionally, if you plan to sell your house later, having a damaged roof will affect the property value and curb appeal. This is why we’ve made a list of early signs of roof damage that you need to look out for.
Continue reading Early Signs of Roof Damage You Need to Be Aware Of
photos courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook page
March 2,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, A large tree located on the property of the St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, 169 Fairmount Road, Ridgewood, fell to the ground on Friday morning, 03/02 blocking the street and causing power outages in the immediate area. Ridgewood PD, FD, and Shade Tree Division personnel responded to the incident. A PSE&G Electric Division employee was also observed working at the scene. No injuries were reported and the tree did not strike any structures during its fall.
January 5,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Village Manager Heather Mailander reminds everyone that , “We experienced a substantial snowfall today, along with windy conditions and extremely cold temperatures. Our crews have been working since early this morning, clearing the ice and snow.”
Garbage collection today on the west side was extremely difficult, due to the icy conditions. Because of this continued extreme weather, please place your garbage cans at the end of your driveway for collection, until further notice. Please follow this practice of placing your garbage cans at the end of your driveway any time there is a snow/ice event. Remember that after the snow/ice event, until there is a clear path to your rear yard garbage cans which is free of ice and snow, continue placing your garbage cans at the end of your driveway. Recycling barrels will continue to be picked up at the end of your driveways, as usual. We appreciate your assistance in keeping our Village employees safe.
As a reminder, all sidewalks in residential districts must be cleared within 24 hours of the snow falling. Please do not place snow into the street; instead, place it back onto your own property. In addition, if you have a fire hydrant on your property, please clear it of any snow accumulation.
Operator of nation’s largest power grid reports increased reliance on natural gas and renewables is not adversely affecting sustainability
In a rapidly changing energy sector, are there still enough power plants available to provide the electricity everyone needs?
The operator of the nation’s largest power grid is answering that question in the affirmative. Its new study finds that with the addition of more natural-gas and renewable resources the system can remain reliable.
With the retirement of scores of coal plants and the early closing of some nuclear units, PJM Interconnection sought to determine whether the system is losing too many traditional resources in a new assessment, “PJM’s Evolving Resource Mix and System Reliability.’’
The study highlights some of the issues affecting the energy sector in New Jersey, which will see its two biggest coal units shut down later this year; its oldest-running nuclear plant, Oyster Creek, scheduled to shut down at the end of 2019; and questions raised about the economic viability of nuclear units elsewhere.
As elsewhere, at least five new natural-gas plants have either come on line or will soon be active, amid a rapid and controversial expansion of the gas pipeline infrastructure in the state. Amid all this activity, clean-energy advocates are pushing state policymakers to ramp up reliance on renewable sources of energy, such as solar and offshore wind.