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Finding Your Writing Style: The Key to a Successful Book

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Writing style is a concept that many writers work hard to find so they can bring their thoughts to life. However, it often happens that once you sit down to engage in the world of words and writing, there is nothing that can come out. You’re stuck and you don’t know where to start, how to express yourself, or what to do. So you start wondering, what exactly is my writing style, and how to find it? How to use it to come up with some amazing written pieces? If you’re seeking the answers, then this post is the ideal spot you should look at. 

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10 Ways to Increase Your Academic Writing Speed

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In the world of academics, writing – in various forms – has been a pervasive part of every student’s life. Whether it is writing essays, exams, or even taking notes, one simply needs to write. But, as we know, there are always different levels of doing things. And even with writing, one can either be good at it, or it can drag on for them like some never-ending chore.

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