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Paid Snow Day at Ridgewood Village Hall, but Wait there is More


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Tuesday we reported that Village Hall employees did not have to report to work today due to inclement weather. We later discovered that the “regular joes” in many departments had to report to work on Tuesday and it was only the “white collar” workers in Village Hall that got the day off . The same people who we are told who were privileged during the covid pandemic. They stayed home for a long time while everybody else  had to come to work or rotate schedules.

Gusto  Payroll Service

7 thoughts on “Paid Snow Day at Ridgewood Village Hall, but Wait there is More

  1. I’m so confused, what about the employees who did show up and worked the storm. Sanitation, recycling, the public works, do they get an extra day’s pay, or personal day, sick day, mental health day, added on to their days, this is getting to be ridiculous. What happens if one of the other workers in those departments didn’t come in because of the weather, will they be written up so much bullshit.

  2. Ramon to the YMCA…..didn’t see that coming.

  3. Other People’s Money. It’s the classic case of the public sector. Virtually unsackable employment. No-one is cost-conscious because none of them have any skin in the game.

  4. Smart move on his behalf. Good for him, better move going to their village hall any day of the week.

  5. Why would he take that job in Village Hall, The place is a mess. There’s one thing about taking the job and if everything is running, smooth, but not when there’s chaos. No way, not worth it, you gotta be a real fool or you’re just in love with yourself.

  6. Hum so who cleaned up the snow. And how did they get into work. They could of just had a delay open option. Or half day.


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