“Not so many years ago Ridgewood water was so good that pediatricians said it could be used for babies formula without being boiled. Now it is literally toxic and there are many times that our water filter cannot overcome the purely nasty taste and smell. Recently it was announced that our water rates will once again go up as Ridgewood isn’t selling enough water to meet their cost. Since most of it is being supplied by Suez they have to pay them first. Remember, the neighboring towns who receive Ridgewood water sued them because part of their bill payment was used to subsidize other Ridgewood departments. Ridgewood’s response was to hire someone who “proved” that the rate the other towns were paying was the right rate and thus the suit should be null and void. The other towns did not give up and Ridgewood will be eventually forced to pay reimbursement of the overage in charges. Unfortunately, our “wonderful Council” says the water company is self supporting and that it doesn’t cost anything in Ridgewood taxes. That is why they used “water company money” to buy the Elks. (Presumably all the water company’s cars and trucks will take the Library and Village hall parking spots on Maple as “adequate parking is not available at the Elks.”) Anyone want to bet that that building will not become the Library’s auditorium? Honesty and truth telling cannot be found in the Council, the BOE, or from any other official in Ridgewood. We are left to wonder WHY they prefer to hide their true actions?”
council is over their head and drowning
Time to sell to Suez . And all the workers can go work for them since the are utilities employed by the water companie.
Hey at least the ridgewood water utility company can sell the property to the library. I’m wondering if they can make a profit.
lawsuit. Then the shit will hit the fan.
Eventually they have to pay the lawsuit who’s going to pay that the Ridgewood water utility company. Or is that money going to come out of the tax budget. Because from what we saying they are not worried about it they are spending money like water sources say.