photo 1973 with Revson, Gordy and Allison pushing off after “Gentlemen Start Your Engines!” Indy 500
Gas blowers and trimmers make an airplane engine like noise. In addition to landscapers (which are more like terrorists) to make it worse my neighbors choose to do their landscaping at anytime on a weekend. It could happen at 8AM in the morning on a Saturday, 4PM on a Sunday, sometimes it happens at 8PM on Saturday. I understand the infatuation with perfect landscaping but a good neighbor should be considerate of other neighbors. There are little kids still asleep at 9AM on a Saturday or Sunday. One of the joys of living in the suburbs is the peace and quietness of a sunny weekend where you’d like to hear nothing but bird singing. Just when you’re sipping your coffee and trying to find where that beautiful bird is hiding the engine starts and you feel like germans are coming to bomb.
If you depend on the town to enforce any rules forget about it. They are totally incapable of doing so.
I know the sound is very annoying, when I was a kid I never had a backpack blower. We used rakes. And back then we didn’t have this many landscapers, I tried blowing my leaves Wednesday Thursday Friday I know it’s hard to put a time on it. There should be no blowing leaves on Sunday .but Good luck who’s gonna enforce that
No landscapers should be permitted to work on Sunday.
That’s nothing compared to my neighbor’s snow removal crew doing their business at 2:30AM…..
Wow, a minor event causes such a disruption of your life. You are extremely fortunate and don’t even know it.
It’s the sound of the suburbs. There’s no way this can be controlled so that weekends are tranquil when people work all week.
Frankly, I think suburban life is awful, but it’s what you do if you want to raise kids in middle class America.
Welcome to suburban life. If you want peace and quiet move to Utopia.
Comparing landscaper to terrorist is a little over the top. If you’re that bothered talk to the neighbors who are many you so miserable or stop complaining.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and I’m going to make it my mission to listen for a bird chirping, and then wondering where the chirping is coming from.
What a complete bozo!
Ridgewood is 25,000 people in a small area, surrounded by the congestion of Bergen county. You’re not living in suburbia.
Snow removal is an emergency situation where people have to make their sidewalks and driveways clear, and rely on overworked crews to do it. Expecting all this to be completed within daytime hours is unrealistic.
8:36 – you’re a silly boy…
@6.21pm. How is 8.36 a *silly boy”? What kind of world do you live in? You see, for most of us who live in the normal world, massive snow storms are not something that can be managed on a 9-5 basis.
Now leave your mom’s computer alone and leave life to us adults.
how often does it snow where the landscapers have to be out at night?? Are you just as bothered when the town trucks come by your house in the middle of the night plowing the streets?? Maybe you need to move to a 300 acre farm in Montana….
“Reader compares landscapers to terrorist “reminds me of the neighborhood snoop who has nothing better to do but complain,complain,complain.
Hey 8:03. I think the poster means the terrorizing noise of their equipment at inappropriate times.
I was in the World Trade Center on 9/11. I got out. Some friends of mine didn’t. Don’t you dare compare mowers and blowers to terrorism.
My firefighter fiance was murdered at the WTC on 911 by Islamic terrorists. After he was murdered and I lived alone in our apartment, the terrorist landscapers outside at Pine Hills in Manorville NY pushed all of my patio furniture in front of my door while blowing leaves. The terror continues.
Ridgewood ordinance 222-1 prohibits commercial use of any power tools or landscaping equipment and motorized construction equipment on Sunday or after 1:30 pm other days. Snow removal is expressly allowed at any time. Our neighbors,hopefully, respect their neighbors voluntarily.
I meant Saturday for ban after 1;30