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Reader says all Village departments are understaffed


Reader says all Village departments are understaffed

Yes they do. All Dept are understaffed. The new council had almost two years to do the right thing. We all suffer for the political line that we are keeping taxes down.The reason our taxes are high is because the BOE.

Although I some times break balls with he the DPW poster he is right in saying the they are under staffed. What I disagree with the posting is that he attacked other dept. I feel his frustration but that’s what this new council want ( in fighting) to distract the residents.

In the 70s and 80s ever dept was staffed higher then it is now.That will never happen again but it does mean that were have to drop to the levels that we have now. You know the saying. A house divided cannot stand. That’s their plan.

10 thoughts on “Reader says all Village departments are understaffed

  1. This Council instead on focusing on running this town engage in petite bickering, retaliation and furthering their own personal agendas

  2. Yes the departments are all understaffed and our taxes are still obscenely high. You are correct about our current Council – they are all pushing their own pet projects without at all acknowledging that at some point taxes alone will crush the value of our homes. Who will ever buy your house if the taxes are $40,000 a year?

    Mrs. Hauck wants to double the size of Valley but clearly has not considered the impact of a facility that size on the town’s neighborhoods and infrastructure. Valley pays no taxes yet their drain on Village resources will also double with this project. You think departments are understaffed now?

    And how about Mr. Pucciarelli and building up the CBD? Has anyone done any math on the impact on our tax base? I’ll tell you right now they would be shouting it at every meeting if ONE PERSON thought that building apartments in town would make our taxes go down. Instead they choose to tell us that traffic will improve and only 4 new kids will enter the school system.

    I’m shocked at how out to lunch this Council is in the face of such a crisis. Look at this weekend alone – Super Bowl parties at the bank and a big skating party at Graydon. Then on to having lunch with the elderly, and banning smoking outside. Maybe they should Google Stockton, CA for a glimpse into our future when they have a minute.

    Oh yea, and don’t forget to put your garbage out on the curb tonight…..

  3. just because you are understaffed doesn’t mean that you have to do a lousy job with the work that IS getting done….

  4. Well, how much is all this retaliation costing the town? The bill must be mighty hefty. Who’s picking up this bill, I would like to know. I’m sure taxpayers. And let’s not even get started about the BOE.

  5. The benefit and pension obligations are going up every year and we can’t stop them. Adding more employees will just add to the problem. Bankrupt cities cut pension and healthcare payouts. That is what we will need to do. Hello Detroit.

  6. If the cost of employment is too high and the town chooses not to hire, why haven’t they hired a private contractor to do the work. The work has to get done by some one !

  7. Ridgewood is not Detroit and the pension and healthcare is not the soul reason. A big contributor to their problem are all the social give a way programs. It is easy to blame it on the workers and give money away for social programs .

  8. Yes blame it on worker while you sit in you million plus dollar house. Wait ti our presidents get done with his wealth distribution program.

  9. Why not hire a landscape company to do a proper leaf removal since the street dept is unable to accomplish this?
    Why not hire a tree company with a chipper to accomplish the xmas tree removal?
    Why not remove whoever is in charge of overseeing these two tasks since that person is unable to ‘accomplish’ the job description?

  10. The Council is in charge of budgeting for these item but as we have seen before they will blame it on someone else. Remember they lowered the reserve so I don’t know it they have money to do this. Poor planning.

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