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Reader says Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus


file photo Ridgewood PD

Reidgewood Police Recruit Scandal : Reader says Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus

Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus. They made him the problem. News flash: police chiefs do not authorize hiring lines, they execute promises of employment.

The Council authorized through a budget line, the VM told the Chief to execute a promise of employment then Aronsohn and Pucciarelli saw the name Killion. Landers, a former cop who works for the village as does his son, claims nepotism from the audience.

In the end, Cheif Wards authority is undermined, the rank and file police offices lose trust in the chain of command, and a young recruit loses a job. Since when do we go after people’s kids? A new low even for Aronsohn and pucciaelli.

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7 thoughts on “Reader says Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus

  1. Yes they did to cover their tracks. Not the worry the Chief is a survivor and I’m sure he has the proper paper work to prove that the Mayor and Council were informed of every step. When the smoke clears the bottom line is going to be how much this will cost the the Village of Ridgewood AKA the taxpayers. You just have to look at the last few case where the Village was sued for making bad decisions because of retribution. There will be 0% tax increase for next year.

  2. The Mayor and his amigos would want you to believe that the the list was manipulated by a well respect Chief of Police with a impeccable record of community service. A Village Cleark/ Acting Village Manger again with an impeccable record all to hire a son of a Mayor who they ( Mayor/amigos) defeated in the last election and also has been retired for 6 years. Why would they risk their job?
    What could they possible gain from this action other then to bring the wrath of the Mayor upon them. If you check recent hires in the Police Dept. nepotism was never a problem for this Council.

  3. what a shame the chief is not the boss, the mayor and some of the council do all the dirty work.

  4. john should be aloud to put on any one he thinks is good for the job.

  5. Well this is what happen when you elect these people in. They screwed up and who suffers two kids one of which had a good job but now can’t go back and no health insurance . Their answer is just hang around a couple of month until while we decide if we are going to change the ordinance. Well mons and dads what if it was your kid?. What would you tell your kids when they asks you why the didn’t get the job. Well I’m sorry, they didn’t like your dad .

  6. Our VC has a history of reacting, rather than acting, to issues. Those offers never should have gone out without the proper approvals, and if HR and/or the VC missed it (just like they missed the PSE&G letter about the hundred foot poles) then it’s their fault. Failure of management. They could have resolved the issue at the meeting and gotten it off the table but they drag it out, just like they drag everything out. If I read one more article about Valley Hospital I’ll scream. Make a decision already. You’re losing 7 officers, the chief wants to replace with 4, and if you don’t do the hires you’ll make up the coverage in overtime costs. Put a pencil to paper and figure it out. The ‘nepotism’ clause requires VC approval so if the recruits are well qualified and the hires are needed then what is the problem? I feel very bad for the young guys affected due to this mismanagement and a quick resolution should be sought.

  7. maybe its the fact the chief spends more time padding his resume with teaching and not attending meetings like the council asked. or even worse sendin in his #2

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