” The adults , parents, are the cause of bullying and everything else that is ailing our children. It is the adults who can’t get enough “screen time;” at stop signs you see them looking at their phones behind the wheel before the lightchanges; adults are ALWAYS on the phone, even when they are walking their dogs. What do you expect from the kids.
65 years ago when I was a kid, you called another kid for example, “fatty fatty two by four couldn’t get through the bathroom door etc. The the fat kid did not commit suicide, did not quit school, went right on living his life. Soon the taunt was forgotten. The taunt,” fatty fatty etc. could not go viral because there was no internet, assholes, so it could be forgotten about by the perpetrators as well as the victims. YOU PARENTS are TO BLAME FOR YOUR CHILDREN’S SUICIDES AND DRUGS AND EVERYTHING ELSE. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. ( Kids take drugs to escape the pain from social media, from the internet, smart phone.) “
As a victim of bullying more than 50 years ago and someone who has counseled other victims, I can tell you with absolute certainty that many of us carried those wounds through adulthood. I do agree that parents are to blame in many instances. Social media is just another tool bullies use to spew their hate.
Keep blaming others.
It is so much easier than becoming resilient defending oneself.
While I agree largely with what was written one has to also see that now society has jumped on the bandwagon. If you don’t agree with someone on a specific subject, rather than seeing that person in a good perspective as having other positive traits, now the accepted response is to gather others to destroy them, their business/livelihood, their families or their children – in essence BULLY them into submission and silence. This happens more often than not. People cannot just express their opposing position and move on for the rest of the day…no, they have to harass those people for the remainder of the day, week, year until the person is ruined. Also, call their place of work and scream for their resignation, even picket and carry signs. – Yes, this how society will make YOU and others capitulate to THEIR point of view and demands. Good grief, people, this is society at large.
Hey, first commenter and august counselor: I will continue. Social media is not “just another tool” for bullying, asshole.
Words on social media endure forever, AND they have the AUTHORITY OF THE WRITTEN WORD. It is very different to shout “fatty fatty etc. or “fag” to a kid than to have WRITTEN WORDS THAT THE WHOLE WORLD CAN SEE AND THAT WILL LAST FOREVER, asshole and asshole parents. It is not the fact that the written words are false; it is that they appear to many stupid people and other kids to be true BECAUSE they are written. The fact that they are written, the authority that we bestow on the written word is what makes these written words so pernicious and capable of causing kids to commit suicide. The written word, by virtue of its capability of permanence, the esteem and veneration which written language has garnered over the centuries has become rightly or wrongly a source of authority whether or not those words are actually true. Hence kids killing themselves. So parents, you must throw away your smart phones. Can you? Can you have one computer in your house for use such as looking up an address or reading the news. Can you choose your children over your smart phones. Remember there was a time not to long ago when none of this existed, and I for one, believe we were much better off.
What ru smoking?
Bullying is OK as long as you bully the right people.
This is the essence of the liberal agenda – the biggest bullies of all.