Reader says The Mike Sedon incident casts a long dark shadow over the august council chambers
The Mike Sedon incident casts a long dark shadow over the august council chambers. Civil behavior will not make it go away.
I am still wondering who wrote the letter or email to Mike Sedon’s former employer saying Mike shouldn’t be allowed to run for Ridgewood council because he is news reporter in Staten Island.
I am sure it wasn’t his wife or mother. That was an uncivil act if I ever saw one. But wait, are we talking about courtesy and politeness only, the veneer of civility. Because in the dictionary that’s what civility means, acting polite and courteous. Or are we talking about ethical and moral behavior too.
The biggest shadow that is cast by this incident is that the mayor did absolutely nothing to find the culprit, he showed no outrage, he never even mentioned it until some residents persisted. Whe one of the most respected members of our community, Mr. Leonard Eisen, publicly expressed outrage over this event, he added that maybe the culprit was in this room (meaning in the village council meeting where he was speaking). The mayor just stared at Mr. Eisen with that doe-in-the-headlights look of his, all innocence.
So whether the mayor was guilty of this crime, or whether he just chose to ignore it in order to protect another guilty party, either way Mr. Aronsohn exhibited a startling lack of leadership, civility, decency… name it.
Disgusting. I still hope for a resolution to this blatant attempt to derail Mr. Sedon’s campaign. It was a giant smear on Ridgewood’s face.
” I still hope for a resolution to this blatant attempt to derail Mr. Sedon’s campaign. It was a giant smear on Ridgewood’s face.”
Not a chance #1. Whenever it is brought up by member of the audience at a meeting the “Breath of Fresh Air Manager” just give the stander corporate stall . Has there ever been a update on the progress of this investigation.?No, unless members of the public ask. They would rather “Move Forward” They tried to damage Mike and sway the election but it didn’t work. Their election is just around the corner and they will do whatever they can to insure their re-elections so beware.
Cool it “old issues re hashed” do nothing to improve the politics of the Village Future.
2015 should improve if we stay focus on the future and not just keep repeating the mistakes of the past. It hurts this Blog and keeps it from publishing reliable and trusted News — that trust is important to it’s readers — Happy New Year you all.
Just like you to defend those three. you are backing the loosing horses. That what the Mayor and his apologist would what use to do MOVE FOWARD. Well here one for you Dom “The End”
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”,
Hey THE END Forse soffri di demenza senile
No, “THE END,” you are wrong. Continued incivility is not an old issue. Mike Sedon’s incident is not old news, it is an ongoing investigation.
“Some moments we never forget because our lives have been forever changed by them”
Author: Unknown
Our Mayor must have reached out to number #3 to post on the this blog
Sorry folks, just received my 2015 Barden catalog — began making plans for in an improvement there — perhaps our contributors here should do the same here.
“It hurts this Blog and keeps it from publishing reliable and trusted News — that trust is important to it’s readers” THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?”
PJ you really thing that this poster is concern about the welfare of you and this blog?
Another poster who drank the Mayors kool aid. If you only post the good things the 3 amigos did you would be out of business in a couple of days.
Ever hear of “COLD CASE” , a cold case.
I see you switched from The End to 2015 Plans Reporter. What name are you going to post under next Paul’s Friend ?
Maybe he should post under the name of
I knew immediately (last spring) that THERE WAS NO EMAIL MESSAGE. The “message” was a phone call from our mayor or a designated person, but more likely from Himself, to that editor. That’s why the editor would not/could not share it with Mike, and the reason they will never find a copy in the editor’s computer.
So how’s the ongoing investigation doing? The FBI brought down the Mafia faster than our county is doing here. I still want answers.
There is a way to find out who sucker punched Mike, if only someone would apply the proper pressure to get the facts. Maybe the chief of police?
If the mayor is found to have perpetrated this hoax, would that mean the deputy mayor would ascend to the big chair? Uffa!
Not if the Deputy Mayor had knowledge or was anyway involved.
Remember he is an officer of the court
Maybe one of them will be taken out in handcuffs.
This must be investigated. This person tried to interfere with put election process.
the newspaper editor should trump our lazy council and investigate. If it was a phone call, was it anonymous? Did the person make up a name? Can phone records be scoured?
I think that this a a place where a free press shines. And I really want to know who it was.
The more time that goes by the harder it get to investigate. That what their hoping for.