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Reader says, “the state politicians have robbed these (Pension)funds and never matched them”

Ridgewood Police Alzheimer's patient was found

” The fervor and anger is jolting but not surprising…teachers, police etc PAY INTO THEIR PENSION FUNDS – the state politicians have robbed these funds and never matched them. They are the crooks. Labeling civil servants who chose their underpaying careers based on the knowledge a pension would be in place to offset the $$$ they did not earn in salary “thieves and slobs” and positioning them as “milking taxpayers” only completes painting the picture of hate and cowardice you so shamelessly portray. My sad, pathetic friend, you are everything that is wrong with society today. Sleep easy tonight knowing these very civil servants will continue to protect, educate and care for you without prejudice…and eventually a pension as well. “

2 thoughts on “Reader says, “the state politicians have robbed these (Pension)funds and never matched them”

  1. If you relied on your pension then there’s no hope for you.

    You should have been saving as if you didn’t have a pension.

    Pensions are going the way of the Dodo bird.

  2. While the comment that these individuals paid into the funds is valid and those individuals deserve to see what they put into the system plus appropriate earning……. some blame must be directed at those who had fiduciary responsibility to protect those funds. Who are those people and why have they not be charged? I guess the Union Bosses were asleep when that was happening or did they think they would just ‘go along to get along’? Yes, the legislators robbed the funds and now they seek to rob the municipal pensions to prop up the robbed pensions. As to the “underpaying careers ” ……That is not accurate when you compare 4 year degrees against other 4 year degree careers – you cannot just pick and choose those careers that pay more and ignore those that don’t. And look at the progression they and the unions put in place to make sure they are well paid. Once these individuals are in the system, they are protected WELL and practically can never be fired…….. even if they don’t produce.

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