Voigt is a terrrible disappointment. As one who had a coffee for him at my house and I donated $$ to his campaign, I really thought he was the real deal, honest, forthright, and independent. Was I ever wrong. He has a terrible temper, which he cannot even control on the dais. Aronsohn was able to keep his temper under control in public but would go wild in private. Hauck and Pucciarelli, like Voigt, would go off in public whenever the felt wronged. A temper is not a character flaw, but it becomes one when a public official interrupts meetings with his tantrums and then goes after the ever-pleasant Heather Mailander. Moving on from his temper, we have his vindictiveness. For reasons that I do not understand, Voigt despises our mayor. I mean he hates her guts. For a period of time he refused to call her Mayor Knudsen, such a grown-up that he is (not). This level of animosity is not helpful to anyone in town. Then you have his dishonesty and underhandedness. He lied at the meeting on Wednesday, as plain as day, said he never saw an email from susan and then got pissed off when it was revealed that he forwarded it to the editor of the newspaper. Someone said he is entitled to write a letter, and I for sure agree with this. But his letter contained a major error about whether the flag could fly on any town property, when it was clearly stated by Mr. Rogers that it could fly in Van Neste. And then there is his out and out stupidity. thinking that he could write all sorts of slanderous things on company email and keep them private. DUH. And instead of being mad at himself for doing this, he gets mad at Susan and Heather for revealing them and then starts blaming everyone in sight.
Expect additional revelations shortly as more of his emails are made public.
Mistake by many of us.
Jeff, as the late great Jim Morrison sang…..This is the END
We need a recall provision in our electoral process so that lying bait and switch people like him can be dealt with.
I do not know him. I met him at a coffee for the candidates. He does not seem to be the person that I listened to at the coffee.
Someone once said that you only know a person’s true character when you have a disagreement with them. How they handle that is a good indication of who they are. I think many of us are disappointed with Jeff.
Score another one here. Shocked and disappointed.
Start the recall…this guy is going to snap at any given moment and people are going to get hurt. He is mentally unstable and people are ignoring the facts that lay before them.
Voigt should resign. He’s embarrassed himself, counsel and ridgewood. Once is okay but enough already.
I’m so ashamed to be his neighbor! Crook! He should move out of this town!
R E C A L L !!!!!!!!