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>Scott Garrett : 9/11: Ten Years Later

>Scott Garrett : 9/11: Ten Years Later

It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since that tragic morning of September 11, 2001.  While a full decade has passed, the memories of that day remain seared in our hearts and minds.  Many of us will never forget where we were and how we felt when we first heard the news.  And many of us will never forget the friends and family whose lives were cut short that day.

As we gather together today to mark the ten year anniversary of September 11, let us honor and remember the many legacies left behind on that fateful morning.  Let us honor and remember the heroism displayed by the first responders who ran into the burning buildings; let us honor and remember the search and rescue teams that scoured the debris of ground zero for survivors; and let us honor and remember the brave men and women of our armed forces that have brought justice to the enemy.

To say September 11 was a defining moment for our country would be an incredible understatement.  After September 11, we learned that the forces that unite us are far stronger than those which seek to divide us.  They say that the true test of a people’s strength is how they rise to confront a challenge when it arrives.  Following the attacks of September 11, Americans of all stripes united together as one behind a common purpose.  In our country’s greatest hour of darkness, the resiliency of the American spirit shined brighter than ever before and our nation grew stronger. 

Every time we feel we have reached our limit, we are reminded that our potential knows no end.  Today, our problems are more focused on the state of our economy and our country’s finances.  While we face many challenges on the road to recovery, we can still move forward with the same determination that inspired us a mere decade ago.  I have always held the utmost faith in the will of the American people.  September 11 awakened us to the worst of humanity, but brought out the best in all of us.  

My thoughts and prayers are with all those who mourn the loss of loved ones on this day.  May God bless their memory and may God bless the United States of America.


Scott Garrett

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