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Valley Hospital Van Dien Campus and Affordable Housing


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Part of that affordable housing plan involves an alternative approach to The Valley Hospital campus on Van Dien Avenue. Valley is moving its main hospital to a 372-bed facility on Route 17, expected to be completed by 2023. Its Ridgewood campus will then become a medical services hub. 

“It is our intent to maintain a vibrant campus that will include a walk-in care center and a range of outpatient services,” Megan Fraser, vice president of marketing and public relations for The Valley Hospital, said in an email.

I suspect everything that The Valley has at 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue will move to Van Dien after all is said and done.  The property at 1200 East Ridgewood would then go up for sale – High density housing with an affordable housing component is my bet for that location, just like their property on North Maple where the old Ford dealer was.

Also, I question whether the YMCA really needs to be physically located in Ridgewood any longer.  I would not be surprised if their property goes on the chopping block and gets sold to a developer who wants to build high density housing.  Properties within walking distance to the train station are, and will continue to be, in very high demand for luxury apartments, especially when Midtown Direct Service begins on the NJ Transit Bergen & Main Lines. 

I suspect that the YMCA might build a state of the art facility in the industrial section of Glen Rock – Harristown Road or maybe Fair Lawn – Pollitt Drive.

The Upper Ridgewood Tennis Club property will also be in play within the next few years.

10 thoughts on “Valley Hospital Van Dien Campus and Affordable Housing

  1. The sky may also be falling. Please explain to me how 1200 East Ridgewood Ave. is walking distance to the train station. The YMCA moving is also ridiculous.

  2. Just wait until you see all the plans Valley will have when they renovate that property to become a colonoscopy and dialysis factory. There will be at least 3 years of major construction to transform the facility followed by a parade of shuttle buses and medical transport vehicles. And BTW there will be no effort to raise donations and pay for a nice looking facility. The loss of Valley (and its $3m PILOT check) will haunt this town for the next 75 years.

    1. they did not pay pilot ,Brian and Paramus is basically paying them to go there

  3. What $3 million PILOT check? You’re delusional.

  4. Several express stops within walking distance of 1200 East Ridgewood.

  5. Why would Paramus pay Valley to move there? Just curious. What did they see that RW didn’t?

  6. 1) Paramus has massive amounts of commercial (non-residential) zoning
    2) Paramus location is in a non-residential location (no impact to residents)
    3) Paramus gets some potential financial benefit depending upon how they structure the relationship with the hospital
    4) “soft” benefits of having a hospital in tow like resident convenience and potential employment of residents.
    5) Paramus also sees it as enhancing their town “image” since they are a “services” town and can tout having an in town hospital along with their many other in town businesses.

  7. Paramus spanked us good

    Valley got a massive property for expansion planning close to route 17 and GSP


  8. Valley is not going to build affordable housing there. That “plan” is only if they decide not to have medical facilities there. The article in the paper indicated they are never going to build housing. So all this worrying is for nothing. And all of Councilman Douchebag’s grandstanding is just that – grandstanding.

  9. Paramus did not “spank” us.
    Paramus and Valley are a better fit – more symbiotic
    Ridgewood and Valley (“new” Valley with “top HUMC” mindset) are more adversarial – not a good fit (anymore).

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