>What we do not have is a “Master Plan” for how the town will survive financially.
This town will spiral into bankruptcy. When a home is sold, it is usually to a young family. No empty nesters have moved on to my block in the 20+ years that I have lived here. School populations have been growning, as has the “need” for more fields. My taxes have increased each year, this year I have an increase in the face of decreased services.
What we do not have is a “Master Plan” for how the town will survive financially. We have a master plan for development and apparently one for for fields. How will we stay solvent with a constant population shift?
I lived here for about 7 years before having children. When my kids are finished with the school system I will join my friends and former nerghbors in a move to a town with low taxes. There are many possibilities. My 5 bedroom house will probably be sold to a family with 3 children. They can pay my $31,000 taxes and enjoy the schools and other services that the town has to offer.
If my husband and I stayed in town it would be better for the town financially – no kids in the school and $30k+ in taxes. I can think of a lot of things that I could do with a 20k savings (per year!in property taxes. Travel comes to mind.
So think about this as you focus all your funds and energies on sports fields and the quest for sports fame. You will never have enough