photos courtesy of Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
East Rutherford NJ,the 2024 USA Curling National Championships got underway at American Dream Mall at The Rink from January 29th – Feb 4th.
Curling is a sport that is played on ice, and it is often referred to as “chess on ice” due to its strategic and tactical nature. It is most closely associated with countries like Canada and Scotland, though it has gained international popularity.
Here’s an overview of how curling is played:
- Playing Surface: The game is typically played on a rectangular sheet of ice, known as a curling sheet, with a target area called the house at each end.
- Teams: Two teams, each consisting of four players, take turns to slide polished granite stones, also known as rocks, towards the house.
- Stones: The stones have a handle attached, and players slide them across the ice while teammates use brooms to sweep the ice in front of the stone, influencing its speed and direction.
- Objective: The main goal is to have the team’s stones closer to the center of the house (the target) than the opponent’s stones. The team with the stone closest to the center scores points.
- Ends: A game consists of multiple ends, which are similar to innings in baseball. Each team delivers eight stones in an end.
- Scoring: The scoring is based on the stones in the house at the conclusion of each end. Only one team can score in each end.
- Strategy: Curling involves intricate strategy and tactics. Players can use their stones to block opponents’ shots, knock opponents’ stones out of play, or strategically place stones to set up for future plays.
- Sweeping: Sweeping is an integral part of the game. It can influence the distance a stone travels and the amount of curl (rotation) it experiences.
Curling is known for its sportsmanship and camaraderie, and it is governed by the World Curling Federation. The sport gained broader recognition, especially during the Winter Olympics, where it has been included since 1998.
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Nice. A sport nobody watches at a mall nobody goes to.
I was going to go but I hurt my uvula watching a Jerry Lewis movie from 1964.
Figured it best to stay home.