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6 People Arrested During Offshore Wind Farm Protest in Ocean City

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photos courtesy of Jacqui Delario

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ocean City NJ, six protesters were arrested on Tuesday afternoon for interfering with workers prepping an area for offshore wind farms in Ocean City. The protest was against the surveys for Orsted’s Offshore Wind farms.

Authorities say the protests shut down 35th and Asbury in Ocean City. Police stepped in and arrested six individuals who tried to prevent crews from the company Orsted from working.

Not the finest hour for the Ocean City Police Department , each of those arrested were charged with disorderly conduct and failure to disperse.

Some how we doubt that if it was a BLM or ANTIFA protest anyone would have been arrested  .

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6 thoughts on “6 People Arrested During Offshore Wind Farm Protest in Ocean City

  1. Old white people lives matter!

    1. That’s the only reason they were arrested.

    2. I agree we need attention to this issue
      But holding signs for awareness would have been better than interfering with the construction and traffic. These folks did nothing like Black Lives matter. Fires, lotting beating up people. Get informed.

    3. Down voter must be racist.

  2. red flags should be going off in your head when you start acting like the “Stop Oil” protesters.

    1. The consequences are whales are dying that is real for minimal impact on alternative energy. New Jersey tax payers pay rich people for the pleasure of using their wind turbines that do not work it if there is little or no wind. It is not sustainable. Also, other countries own the turbines and we pay them, Germany among others.
      The formulae should be more equitable, if the the owners of the wind turbines care so much about the earth then why are we paying more than them. They get compensated and we get dead whales.

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