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6 Signs That Your Kid Is Dealing With Abuse

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If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, then you know that one of the most controversial topics is abuse. It can happen in many different ways, and it’s something that we need to be aware of when we have children around. One way this happens is through bullying. Bullying is a type of abuse where someone or a group has power over another person and uses it against them for their own gain. This may seem like an innocent enough behavior, but in reality, it can cause serious damage to your child’s mental health and well-being if not dealt with quickly. How can you tell if your child is being bullied? Are there signs that they are being abused by someone else? There are many warning signs, but here are 6 crucial ones to look out for so you can help your child.

1. Unexplained Bruises

One of the first things parents need to be aware of is any unexplained bruises. Of course, it’s possible that the child had some sort of accident where they bumped into something or someone accidentally, but if there are several bruises with no explanation, experts at advise this might be a big red flag that something more sinister is going on. Often times children who are being abused by someone else will cover up for them by saying that it happened during physical activity or while playing. This may be the case sometimes, but there also could be more to this story that they aren’t telling you about and shouldn’t have to suffer in silence.

2. Anger

When your child is dealing with abuse of any kind, you will start to see changes in their behavior. They may become more angry, irritable, and even aggressive towards other people. Again, this could be because of the physical activity they were engaging in when they got hurt or from being exposed to a sports injury. But if there is no explanation for why your child is suddenly acting out in anger, then this could be a sign that something else is going on and they need outside help.

3. Depression And Anxiety

The depression and anxiety that your child might be feeling is also another sign of abuse. Many children who are being bullied or abused by someone else will begin to show signs of depression because of how often they are picked on or made fun of. This can lead to your child feeling worthless and that they don’t deserve to be in the world. Some kids may even feel like they want to end their life because of how depressed and sad they are on a daily basis. This is not something you want going on with your child, so if this is happening, immediately look for signs of abuse so you can find out what’s going on.

4. Changes In Behavior

Suppose you notice changes in your child’s behavior without any explanation of why, then this might be a sign that abuse is taking place. Some of the most common behaviors to look out for are when your child becomes withdrawn or when they start acting out in anger. Sometimes they might even start to lie about their whereabouts or the people that they are hanging around with at school or in other places. You won’t be able to know for sure what is going on unless you ask your child directly, but it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to their safety.

5. Complaining And Self-Harm

Another sign that your child is dealing with abuse is when they start complaining about physical or emotional pain. Some kids might complain about stomachaches or headaches because of the stress that’s going on in their lives right now. Other children will actually injure themselves (but not on purpose), such as cutting themselves because it makes them feel better. Whatever the case may be, if your child starts exhibiting this type of behavior, then they are probably suffering from some sort of abuse and need help immediately to stop it.

6. The Acting Out

Finally, there is an acting out that might happen with your child when they go through any form of abuse. They might host a tantrum or even pick fights with other kids at school that they would never normally fight with. The reason for this is because your child has learned to act out when they are in distress, whether physical or emotional. This is not something you want happening when your child is growing up, so if you suspect any form of abuse, bring it up to them or seek outside help so you can understand what’s going on. 

If your child is suffering from any of these signs that they are dealing with abuse, then now is the time to step in and get them help. This way, you can stop it from happening to them and help them recover back to their normal selves without any lingering effects on their mental health.


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