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7 New Sports for 2020 that You’d Never Thought Of Trying

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It’s been a crazy year, and that’s an understatement. But if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to live life to the fullest, because we never know what’s around the corner. But one thing we should all do is find a new sport to try. Whether it’s a now-forgotten new year’s resolution to stay fit or just to break the endless monotony that was quarantine, trying a new sport is a great way to be active and enjoy life. 

If you’re not big on sports don’t be put off by the idea, there are plenty of other options you probably have never thought of trying. Here are 7 such sports for you to consider.  

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

It sounds extreme and you’re probably thinking of cage fighters tearing each other’s faces off; that’s not the case. MMA can be unaggressive and a great way to exercise. If you enjoy High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), then MMA is up your alley. 5-minute rounds with 1-minute breaks in between are as intense of a HIIT workout as you can get. If you like feeling confident and strong, nothing will make you stand taller than knowing you can hold your own if worse ever came to worst. If you like cerebral, technical, and strategic sports, then give MMA a try. Finding the right strategy to spar someone with a particular style will be more of a game of mental warfare than anything else. You won’t get hurt doing MMA and plenty of beginner classes offer slow introductions to the sport and demonstrate just how safe, responsible, and incredibly fun it can be. 

Ping Pong

Yes, this is a real sport. And it’s vicious! OK, maybe not vicious, but incredibly competitive! Ping pong needs an unprecedented level of hand-eye coordination, speed, agility, and stamina. If you want to strengthen any of those traits in yourself, then take up ping pong today. Table tennis paddles come in a wide variety and you should check out these options to find a paddle that suits you in terms of size, grip, and weight. Your friends are surely going to be amazed when they unknowingly challenge you to a friendly game only to find you have the fastest, meanest serve they’ve ever seen.

Football (Soccer)

You may think that soccer is only meant for little girls to run around and be active; probably because that’s all we see here in the USA. But soccer is the world’s most popular sport, by a long shot. Soccer is so popular, a friendly game between two European teams can easily draw in hundreds of millions of viewers, more than the Superbowl playoffs. That popularity doesn’t come without a cause. Take up soccer today to improve your fitness, speed, skill, and stamina, all while experiencing the fun billions experience the world over when they kick the ball around with their teams. 


OK, let’s talk about bowling. Yes, it’s a sport. No, you don’t have to wear a bowling shirt, but why wouldn’t you want to? The shoes are cleaned thoroughly, and you can always get your own. It really doesn’t get more fun than bowling. Bowling with close friends is a sure-fire way to be active and have endless amounts of fun, all with a bit of competition to keep you all driven. 


You may think so hard while playing chess that you’ll break a sweat. While this won’t do much for your cardio, chess is an incredibly competitive, challenging, cerebral sport. Whether you want to play with the pros at the park or with friends and family online, chess will have your brain’s juices flowing and get you to start thinking ahead in every aspect of your life.


Ever just look at a truck and think, “yeah, I can pull that?” No? Well, what about a plane? Strongman is the perfect blend of speed, stamina, and, you guessed it, strength. Professional strongmen can lift over half a ton off the floor and pull planes with their bare hands. And they make it look easy. It’ll take years to get to that level, but it’s a great sport to get into and the diet that comes along with it is an added bonus.


Nothing in this world is more fun than swordplay. Nothing. It takes a lot of skill, precision, and technique, but it is endless fun. Plus, who doesn’t want to go sword shopping?

Not all of these sports will pique your interests, but surely one or two just might. Get active and fit this year and go out and try a new, fun, entertaining sport today, all while learning and bettering yourself. 


3 thoughts on “7 New Sports for 2020 that You’d Never Thought Of Trying

  1. New olympic sport. Playing video games in my mother basement.

  2. What about Pickleball ?

  3. Video Pickleball…. now there’s a winner!!

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