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“able-bodied adults” between the ages of 18 and 49 without dependents no longer qualify for food assistance in New Jersey


Christie administration ends waiver for food stamp work requirement

About 11,000 New Jerseyans may have their food assistance discontinued after Gov. Chris Christie’s administration said Thursday that the state is no longer offering a certain waiver in the program. Brent Johnson and Samantha Marcus, Read more

22 thoughts on ““able-bodied adults” between the ages of 18 and 49 without dependents no longer qualify for food assistance in New Jersey

  1. Does this mean one would have to work?

  2. I find it incomprehensible that this even needed to be stopped. Why on earth was it being tolerated in the first place?

  3. God Forbid 12:03

  4. Shop Rite Ramsey is hiring. $12/hr night shift. Not bad

  5. What about able bodied 52 year old PFRS retirees? Can we delay their pension benefit until age 62 like teachers?

  6. You never miss an opportunity to spout off do you 2:46. You must have been a great supporter of the 3 Amigos.

  7. I agree. Public employees should wait until 62 to collect. Many will collect full benefits for longer than they worked.

  8. I cannot believe that fat toad of an absentee governor is taking food from the hungry. What’s the matter, is his own larder bare and he needs spare food? Christ almighty, there are plenty of working poor who need a leg-up. Christie has never been hungry a moment in his life. Many of us do not know what hunger is. We know what appetite is, but not true hunger. I am disgusted with Christie, per usual.

  9. 2:46

    $12 an hour is very likely part time, no benefits. Even if it is 40 hours a week, this is still barely enough to pay rent, buy health care, support a family if you have one, maybe try to pay for college tuition, and then there is the matter of food. Yes, people have to eat. I bet you were never hungry were you?

  10. 8:19 if $12.00 an hour isn’t enough then acquire some skills and get a better job.

  11. Raise the minimum wage and put a cap on what these “Wealth Advisers” can make on our money

    1. you dont have a right to mouch no matter what Obama tells you , able body people should never get any government assistance unless its a state of emergency , get educated , get a trade, get skills , work 3 jobs like I did and you should expect to work 40-60 hours a week minimum .

      you wont get rich or middle class taking money away from others PERIOD , Obamanomics proves it , you just make more people poor

  12. The way the system works, if the person works at Shoprite for 12 bucks an hour and is single, that person can’t make more than $1185 a month or they get cut off. If they work more than an average 20 hours a week they’ll get cut off, losing the $200 a month. Not exactly the right way to get people off the dole and into the workforce. Take the loss of medical benefits from the state/feds that this person may have as well and it’s pretty much a losing proposition but it makes the gov sound “tough on deadbeats”….

  13. I think 246 is a failed candidate for the fd or pd most people don’t begrudge the workers their pensions mostly those with an axe to grind. Those kind are always counting money in other peoples pockets and are truly miserable in their own lives.

  14. James (9:05). Sometimes people need a hand. There is a world of difference between kicking back and living on the dole, versus getting some food subsidy while you are working and trying to gets some training for a better job. Christie is so black and white. There is a huge gray area called the working poor who are desperately trying to get ahead and be independent.

    1. the article says “able bodied ” crossing guards in Ridgewood make $17per hour , people who need help do to physical or mental issues are not able bodied , you are not entiled to other people money , work two jobs like everyone else , not remotely sympathetic

  15. James, you worked three jobs. Where and when. I smell a big lie here!

    1. not everyone in Ridgewood is born with a silver foot in their mouth lol

  16. 12:09 – why are you suggesting that James is lying? I am retired now, but I always had two paychecks, and sometimes three. I worked one full time job, and one or sometimes two part time jobs. Like James said, not everyone is born wealthy.

    Yes, able bodied crossing guards make $17 an hour. But no pay during vacations, no pay all summer, and only two hours a day. Not exactly a living wage.

  17. Yea just as I thought, my BULLSHIT meter went way off the scale when James claimed he worked three jobs. He confirmed my suspicions whit his lame reply.

    1. unlike yourself not everyone in Ridgewood is born with a silver foot in their mouth lol

  18. To “whit”, I think a lot of folks in this town did the multi paycheck route at some point in their lifetimes and some still do (or the equivalent as in 60+ hour weeks)…

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