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Addressing the “Disclaimer” on the Village of Ridgewood Official Facebook Page

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog has serious concerns about a recent “disclaimer” regarding the opinions shared by Ridgewood citizens. According to the disclaimer, “The opinions do not reflect the opinions of the Village of Ridgewood.” Say WHAT?

Whose Opinions Matter?

The opinions shared are written by the very citizens of Ridgewood. So, it raises the question: does the Village of Ridgewood, as an entity, have its own opinion? And if so, does this mean the opinions of the taxpayers—the residents who make up this village—are to be disregarded?

Who Penned This Disclaimer?

We can’t help but wonder who is behind this disclaimer. Is it Mayor Vagianos? Council Member Winograd? Village Manager Kazmark? Whoever it is, the message seems clear: the opinions of Ridgewood’s citizens are being sidelined in favor of some supposed “village” perspective.

A Call for Transparency

Residents believe it’s crucial for the village leadership to recognize and respect the voices of its residents. After all, it’s their village, and their opinions matter. Let’s strive for transparency and inclusivity in all communications and decisions affecting the community.

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40 thoughts on “Addressing the “Disclaimer” on the Village of Ridgewood Official Facebook Page

  1. “Of the people, by the people, for the people.”

    1. As long as everyone knows their pronouns…. then everything should be OK.

  2. Unbelievable!

  3. For real???

  4. WTF?

  5. Oh stop looking for a fight to pick. Clearly it’s an indication that when some member of the community (I don’t know, maybe a Blog reader or contributor??) posts some off the wall comment, that it’s not reflecting any opinion of our town government or leadership, and other leaders don’t need to immediately lose their shit.

  6. Our opinions will be reflected in November. Bye bye Paul

  7. Will a similar disclaimer now be read at every Village Council meeting prior to the start of public comments?

  8. Add the word “necessarily” to the sentence, and this nonsensical point in this nonsensical article is resolved. . . . opinions do not NECESSARILY reflect the opinions of . . . . Fixed. Must have been a slow weekend.

    1. There is no issue, therefore there is nothing to be fixed. It’s a standard disclaimer.

      Padding the declaration with “necessarily” accomplishes nothing except to introduce ambiguity where there was none before.

      Q: Hey Cletus, I wonder if that opinion represents the Village of Ridgewood?

      A: Well, not necessarily, yuk yuk!!!


  9. Look in my opinion, this is what is happening. The village in in trouble, so Mayor Paul Vagianos brings in his pal Keith Kazmark as “the fixer”. They can no longer cover things up. the jig is up that last year the village had no funds in the operating budget for some village staff and he came up with the plan to furlough employees. Staff members came out in droves and protested and voila, money found. When you have a Mayor and majority council who prioritize fields over safety projects and safety projects like sidewalks only get done because people yell and scream, then what does that tell you. I can only hope that people are not still baffled by Vagianos’ bullsh*t. He is an awful mayor and has really contributed nothing substantial to Ridgewood except for failed pedestrian plaza, designer garbage cans that are not functional and the failed attempt at a field which now has contamindated soil. The flooding he said he would address when running for assembly-well gues what…he did nothing until homes got flooded and hard working tax payers were clammoring for answers. The priorities of these jokers is not aligned with the needs of the residents. Paul is hell bent on getting little gifts for all of his friends just like the $350,000 pavillion for Healthbarn under the guise of a “Lightening shelter” for players on that field or other things for his pals. The fact that residents are finally starting to wake up from their slumber and realize that this mayor is bad news, is why they have to put a disclaimer on public comments and written posted comments on social media. It is just one more way that Paul’s magical mystery tour is trying to rewrite history to tell everyone that everything is ok. Total BS.


    1. Plus don’t forget they fired Heather as the Village Manager, so esssentially we are all paying for 2 Village Manager salaries. Bunch of dopes.

      Nothing with this bunch of idiots (except Lorraine who has a brain) has been thought out.


  10. Can you say smoke and mirrors?

    Paul Vagianos will be remembered for a lot once he is no longer Mayor of Ridgewood. I honestly cannot think of one thing or idea that he came up with that took all of Ridgewood into consideration. Lowest morale in Ridgewood village. People need to vote this character out. Keith probably won’t be around for long. Paul’s ideas have all been a flop and his council lackeys have also wasted countless hours on pet projects and have spent big bucks on Paul’s ego centric spending for his pals. His ego is enormous and it is costing the village money but at the end of the day he doesn’t care because he will just sell an extra meat sandwich and Lord only knows how much he pocketed from FFL $4 million. This guy is seriously bad news. Did anyone forget that he tried to censor the Mayoral Facebook page until authorities stepped in to make it go back as that isn’t allowed on an official page.


    1. It’s still confusing why Ramon and our mayor and Healthbarn were part of a 4 million dollar grant. Did Paul’s restaurants profit from our tax dollars? Did Healthbarn? And why was Ramon so involved? Is all the money accounted for or spent? That’s a sh** ton of cash

      1. Remember all of the dirty birds flock together and each of them, hungry like beasts are out for what they can GAIN, whether personal, professional, a leg up, ego stroking, all of it from whatever scheme they are promoting. Wined, dined and pocket lined. All you have to do is follow the bouncing ball (no pun) or follow the golden pavillion for special friends just one of so many amazing gifties for the swifties.

    2. Don’t forget the “Turtle Crossing” sign that Whino came up with. That was stellar. Our tax dollars at work!

      1. Hahaha

  11. This is not an insignificant item. They are continuing to try and control the message. Early on both KazMarc and Vagianos as well as Winograd tried to block people from their official pages when they didn’t like the comments. They just don’t want any opposition, and the truth is that opposition is growing daily. Vagianos will be voted out in November and hopefully soon thereafter KK will be given his walking papers.

    1. I hope so. The truth just has to come out!

    2. And Steve F will block you or kick you out of RW M&D Facebook. Friend of Whino. Controlling the narrative.

    3. Ridgewood needs to get the bad actors off the council. These people DO NOT have Ridgewood residents in their line of sight. They care about fields for playing sports, everything else takes 2nd priority.

      VOTE NO to Paul Vagianos-failed as a mayor, clearly prioritizes special interest projects where he will benefit.

      VOTE No to Deputy Mayor Perron-follows failed mayor

      VOTE NO to Frank Mortimer who will also vote to prioritize failed mayor

      Winograd, Weitz -we are stuck with them for another few years unfortunately. They always 100% vote in lockstep with failed mayor and prioritize his special projects and will likely continue to do so even if he does not win.

      These are your tax dollars being spent irresponsibly and it is hurting Ridgewood.

  12. They are trying to silence detractors

  13. If you go to that Facebook page, you will see that Village of Ridgewood is posting replies. We don’t know who this person is. Maybe it’s multiple people that have access to posting replies. But the reply comments come in as Village of Ridgewood. This is beyond ridiculous. Talk about lack of transparency.

  14. That’s why I love the blog, you have freedom of speech. We told you for many years the village of Ridgewood always controlled the Ridgewood news, the record, the suburban news, the women’s club, Board of Education, Mayor and council, village manager and clerk we’re always in the same circle. You know what’s funny if you look at the last 15 or so years ,mayors& council. Village managers, come and go, and the same bullshit is still occurring. So that tells you that someone else is controlling from behind the curtain, Who do you think that is?

    1. Well, probably not the parking meter guy.

      He took his money and ran……………………….

    2. You absolutely do not have F O S. The operator/owner of this blog does not allow any comments that he does not like.

    3. Don’t forget TAPinto RW which is also controlled by the chief liar PeeWee.

  15. The blog is not an official government page you moron. Get the difference.

    1. I was just going to say that

    2. So you condone censorship . . . it’s one thing if PJ admitted it but he denies it but we have almost all had our comments censored one time or another. PJ could have a blog without comments too. Why only post comments that agree with the bloggers position? And then deny you censor.

      1. It’s not censorship. It’s providing a platform for cultivated civil discourse.

        1. It’s censorship when you screen comments.

          1. Obviously, they’re not censoring if they’re allowing this whole discussion about censorship on the blog

            1. They censor all of the time.

            2. You’re cute.

          2. Th ownr is so thin-skinned it’s pathetic.

            1. If the owner was so thin-skinned he never would have allowed this comment.

              Maybe you’re just a nasty bully that thrives on hate and no likes you?

  16. To the Mayor and Council, the only opinion that matters are either their own or their usual supporters that speak and pat them on the back. There are 3 or 4 regulars. Who are good smoke blowers.

  17. The Village of Ridgewood should not have a Facebook page at all. Anything important should be posted on the official village website, which is free to all without signing your life away.

    1. What would the village manager do with all of that spare time if he wasn’t on facebook? Maybe he would actually have to focus on the work that needs doin in village hall and throughout Ridgewood. Just a thought to ponder.

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