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Alleged Car Burglar Scared Off by Glen Rock Neighbors

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on Friday November 19th at 9:51 PM ,a South Highwood Avenue resident observed someone who appeared to be entering an unlocked vehicle in their driveway.  The resident yelled out to the subject who ran off, then called for police assistance.  While checking the area additional reports of suspicious activity were received from residents on Buckingham Place, and the 500 block of Rock Road.  The actor was described as a male subject dressed in black with a hood and carrying a white plastic bag.  While video surveillance footage was provided to officers, the images were not sufficient to provide a more detailed description.  As of this time there are no reports of stolen property, the actor appeared to have been scared off.

As a reminder the Glen Rock Police warn : if you see someone trying to enter your vehicle, call 911, do not confront them!

One thought on “Alleged Car Burglar Scared Off by Glen Rock Neighbors

  1. A man wearing a hoodie and carrying a plastic bag–that should narrow down the suspects.

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