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America(*): Happy (Founding) Fathers Day


Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/21/2015 11:45 -0400

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via,

I got into an early discussion today about America.  I came to the conclusion that today’s America* is an ugly fraud.  We wave the flag adorned with stars and stripes, we reminisce about a glorious history, we point to the constitution, the founding fathers and freedom and then we include ourselves as part of this legacy; as though we have some natural right to call ourselves by the same name.  But is that true?  Do Americans* by way of history simply get to partake in the greatness of our past?  Do we get to say we are somehow part of all the great things done by those who came before us?

Today’s America* has nothing in common with the nostalgic images and grand successes of the nation as it were in her glory days.  In fact, I would argue not only does America* lack any authentic representation of times past but is the antithesis of America.  We have come full circle, back to the very thing our ancestors fought, died and ultimately persevered to escape.  We have become a nation of political thieves and liars, and second class citizens whose majority will has no bearing on how their taxes will be spent or to which wars their children will be sent to die in.   And please let me halt your disgust right there, this is not conjecture but hardened fact, so allow me to explain before lazily calling me a traitor or an assh*le.

Tell me which war of the new millennium do you defend?  Can you even name the nations to which we have sent our sons and daughters to fight and die since 9/11?  Explain to me now in which countries Shiite’s are our friends and in which they are our foes.  I’m certain those who have sent their sons and daughters to fight can do so.  But can you?  And then explain to me how, while only 13% of Americans support military action in Ukraine (take your pick of polls), your constitutionally mandated government of representatives, in direct conflict with their sworn duty to represent the will of the majority, have already sent military personnel, weapons and billions of war dollars to Ukraine in an attempt to provoke a war with Russia?  Can you explain how that happens in America; land of the free, governed by and for the will of the people?  It doesn’t, but it does in America*.  And isn’t this just the point?

Not only does there no longer remain a logistic process for us to impose our will (try writing a letter to your congressman – let me know how that goes) but we no longer feel the obligation to even do so.  We vote in districts that are continuously redrawn to ensure certain outcomes and for candidates with a net worth of $50M or higher (Clinton, Bush and others) or are being backed by financially similar Super PACs e.g.  Rubio, Sanders, Cruz, etc, etc….  And these candidates, one of them necessarily to wear their respective crown, will not uphold the constitution but the requests of those that bought and paid for their success.  And that means they must disregard we the unengaged.  Quite a relationship but one that seems to work.

You see it works because the proverbial majority simply do not make it a high enough priority to perform their moral and civic obligation to enforce the constitutional mandates upon our representatives, that is, to govern our nation.  And why?  Well our lives, for each class level, have been tailored by way of government policy and legislation such that we are not willing to rock the boat.  For the lower socio-economic class, work if you want to but there will be a meal, roof and Iphone for you either way.  And for the profiteer class, if you have enough money or represent a large enough donor base your congressman will in fact answer your call, give you a meeting and pass the bill you self-draft resulting in additional unearned profits.  For those few remaining in middle, well you no longer represent a large enough voting block or donor base to really spend any time on.  That said, all campaign platforms are directed at you and that soothes you just enough that, in addition to you and your spouse working a combined 100 hours a week, you simply don’t have it in you to stand up and fulfill your moral and civic obligations.

And that is America*.  A government wholly disinterested in the will of the people and a will of the people wholly disinterested in governing ‘their’ nation.  And this is the basis for my claim that, suggesting we are the same America that we like to reminisce on is an utter fraud.  Out of respect to those great generations that were willing to, not only perform the obligation of governing their nation, but willing to die to ensure the same obligations were available for the next generation, we should place an asterix  beside the use of the term America(n) when referring to ourselves (I would be inclined to exempt military families by definition) in any literature henceforth.  This would be similar to the position of many that argue known steroid users who make it to the hall of fame must have an asterix beside their name.  If we believe it is important enough to distinguish as a context for the history of baseball is not surely important enough to distinguish as a context for the history of our nation?

And now let me walk you to the water in hopes that you will take a drink.  Please allow me to remind you, by way of presentation, of the declared intention by representatives of early Americans to be a free and self governed nation in reaction to a tyrannical government.  I urge you to count the Facts submitted, in evidence of tyranny, that we again find permeating America*.  As a means of easy extra credit (something Americans* are always willing to fight for) attempt to reconcile our American* complacency with the last line of the great document.


One thought on “America(*): Happy (Founding) Fathers Day

  1. Is this what you do all day, PJ? Sit around reading Zero Hedge, Brietbart, World Net Daily, Fox, Reason, and countless other right wing blogs that mourn the loss of the “One True America” that only seems to resurface when a corporate friendly GOP President is in office? Then when you find something that agrees with your myopic worldview, you rush to post it here, further misrepresenting the Village in which you live (the irony of which, given the content of this particular “article” is surely lost on you).

    Meanwhile, the rest of the world moves on, while you and the rest of your high school educated peers wallow in your disenfranchisement. What is it like to spend every waking minute of every day in a silent rage? Do you feel like you might be missing out on some of the beauty of this oh so short life?

    It is sad. Maybe if I ever recognize you in a bar I’ll buy you a beer, as a gesture to symbolize that it is ok to give back to the society into which you were born. Maybe you will realize that this country is still an amazing place to be in a large part because of its ability to change with the times (no thanks to you and your ilk).

    I pity you, Jamsie. I hope you get better.

    Man, I must really be bored today.

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