the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Americans for Prosperity’s vision for our great state is one where opportunity abounds, our economy is flourishing and all of our residents have the ability to prosper and make a better life for themselves and their families. Americans for Prosperity is as committed as ever to turning our state around and making this vision a reality. That’s why for the second time in the last five years, AFP is proud to release a model budget — our FY 2017 Taxpayers’ Budget — providing a blueprint for getting our state back on track.
Our budget shows New Jersey can rein in spending, fund core functions of government, and still provide over $1 billion in relief to beleaguered taxpayers in order to get our economy moving again!
We invite you to read and download our new Taxpayers’ Budget below. An Executive Summary of the budget is also available here!
Press Release: AFP Challenges Christie, Legislature with Fiscally Responsible Budget Proposal!
That’s simple put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.