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Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi , “Lately our communities have been plagued by pedestrians being hit by vehicles”

pedisrian_hit_by car

March 16,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Rivervale NJ, Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi , voiced her concerns on accidents involving pedestrians, “Lately our communities have been plagued by pedestrians being hit by vehicles. Please remind those who drive in your family how important it is to obey speed limits in our communities. The difference between a 20 MPH hit of a pedestrian and a 40 MPH hit of a pedestrian is the difference between that victim surviving or likely dying. Drivers — watch your speed and do not drive distracted. Pedestrians — put down your cell phone when you wish to cross the street. Do not assume a car sees you just because you may be in a crosswalk. Never start walking until a vehicle has come to a stop.”

We picked this up from the Hillsdale police , but former Ridgewood Police Chief often shared the same thoughts with the Ridgewood blog .If a pedestrian is struck by a car going 20 mph or slower, the odds of survival are good. Above 35 mph, the impact is likely to be fatal. Obey speed limits!

7 thoughts on “Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi , “Lately our communities have been plagued by pedestrians being hit by vehicles”

  1. The other night I was making a left onto Ridgewood Avenue after coming through the trestle.

    This guy was trying to cross the street with his hands full of food (bags)….he managed to confuse 3 different drivers (me included) by standing in the road but not in the walking path designated for pedestrians.

    My point is, the pedestrians act like squirrels most of the time….

    This is why I stay out of the CBD unless I absolutely have to drive through there….

    Oh yeah, he had a Ridgewood football booster hat on so he wasn’t from out of town….

  2. Although accidents can take place anywhere, the congestion of downtown make it a prime spot. What if the speed limit throughout the CBD was made 20 MPH, with prominent signage and significant fines for going faster? It’s only a few blocks and won’t keep people from getting where they’re going for more than a few minutes.

  3. Only going to get worse as the developers build the slums downtown and if the garagemahala is built. But, hey, we need progress in Ridgewood, right council candidates?

  4. Library crossing towards Kings is a death trap.Police do nothing to enforce it.just close it down and put in a quick crosswalk buttoned controlled traffic quick cross light

  5. Pedestrians dress in all black and walk in the middle of the road, oblivious to auto traffic and expect drivers to see them…
    Pedestrians need to be more aware of their surroundings…

    As long as we are pedaling fear mongering stupidity, we might as well go all the way.

  7. Moronic slum comments aside, rumble strips (cheaper and less bureaucratic than speedbumps) on ridgewood ave near oak chestnut and walnut would do wonders to slow down cbd traffic. As franklin has none emergency vehicles would not have an issue. By kings plaza is a tough one. Maybe a parked rpd car once in a while.

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