3 Breweries, Live music with Particle Theory, Food Trucks, Rev War Museum Site Open in the Heart of Bergen County, Save the date or Buy Your Tickets
the Bergen County Historical Society
River Edge NJ, Come celebrate Major General Baron von Steuben with the Bergen County Historical Society at our annual Baron BeerFest on Saturday, September 24th (Rain date Sunday, September 25th), 1-6 p.m. at Historic New Bridge Landing, 1201 Main Street, River Edge, NJ.
Festival hours are 1pm – 6pm. Historic Homes and Historical Interpretation will be 1pm – 5pm. Breweries, Music, and Food Trucks will be available 1pm – 6pm.
Sample the finest in craft beers from three Bergen County beer-makers including, Alementary Brewery, Brix City Brewery, and Hackensack Brewery, have something to eat from the food trucks on site, and listen to the live music of Particle Theory – 6 piece band!
Bring the whole family to enjoy the simple games of yesteryear and free pumpkin picking and decorating.
Don’t forget to enjoy New Bridge’s historical treasures during your visit: Tour the three 18th century houses (including Steuben’s own), visit the colonial out-kitchen to watch the authentic preparation of foods fit for the Baron’s table, learn about Bergen farm life in the 19th century barn, and watch the demonstrations of the Revolutionary War Mott’s Artillery. Be sure to see the Historical Society’s exhibit of New Bridge in the American Revolution: Artifacts and Maps in the Steuben House, and stop at our Black Horse tavern’s gift shop to purchase a souvenir of your day or to enjoy donuts, hot cider, and other fall refreshments.
Free parking is available on site or take the train to the “New Bridge Landing” station on the Pascack Valley Line and walk one block north & east to our entrance. Dogs are permitted on site on a leash but not in the houses. Social distancing is still encouraged; face masks are optional.
Fundraiser pricing: Adults: $15, BCHS Members & Students 12-21 yrs.: $10, Children under 12 yrs. are free, but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Food and beer are at additional cost. All proceeds go to support the soon-to-be built museum at New Bridge Landing. No refunds.
For ticket reservations (encouraged) and additional information visit the society’s website www.bergencountyhistory.org, email: info@bergencountyhistory.org, or call 201-343-9492 and leave a message. (This event is subject to change.)