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Bergen County Historical Society : Restaurants and Breweries are Part of the History of Bergen County

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Bergen County Historical Society
New Bridge Landing NJ, With restaurants and breweries opening back up in River Edge, I mused about our local 18th century tavern that stood only a mile away as the crow flies but was moved in 1977 to Historic New Bridge Landing, River Edge, NJ.

Taverns were not exactly like today although a traveler may have stopped for a repast. A neighbor could drop by to hear the news, maybe vote or pick up mail. Taverns were often situated at a crossroads like Campbell’s tavern—to gain the most traffic. A traveler might get a bed but with no expectations of having it to to yourself, you could end up sharing it with a few strangers. You did have to remove your boots.
You could get hay for your horse or maybe repair at the blacksmithy if your car broke down—I mean if your wagon needed repair or horse needed a shoe!
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The Campbell-Christie House was originally located at the corner of Henley Ave and River Road in New Milford, Henley being the road to South Church in Bergenfield where people surely would be often headed. Jacob Campbell was a Bergen Militia private in the Rev War and a mason. He built the handsome sandstone house in 1774, perhaps with the help of his 5 brothers and 3 sisters. By 1780, it is recorded that he kept a tavern here. There’s mention of a blacksmith too.
Included here is a list of the 1763 Bergen County Tavern Rates (BCHS collections.) We can imagine bowl is pronounce bool, “a bool of Good Lime Punch” or “1 quart of Syder good” and “a quart of Beer good” by order of Court April Term 1763, David W. Provoost Clk [Clerk.]
For more information about the Campbell-Christie House, please visit our website. Google: Bergen County History.
Shout out to a new restaurant, Kilim Mediterranean, which joins The River Edge Diner, Sanducci’s Trattoria, Mado Restaurant, Green Papaya, River Edge Pizza Kitchen, Fuki Sushi, Habitat Burger Grille, A Taste of Greece, La Toscana, Sanzari’s New Bridge Inn and supporting of BCHS – Bergen County Breweries; Hackensack Brewing, The Alementary Brewing, and Brix City Brewing. *check for hours and service.
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