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Bergen County Parks Department Redesigns Pickleball Courts

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Glen Rock NJ, former Ridgewood Mayor and Current Bergen County Commissioner Ramon M Hache made the following comments on Facebook on Bergen County Parks and Pickleball :

“Being on the County Parks Committee, I’m very proud of the work of our Parks Department. We have listened to residents and understand the importance of pickleball for residents 55 and older. This was especially the case during the pandemic as the physical activity and socialization in the sport was beneficial to both the physical and mental health of older adults. We have recently redesigned pickleball courts in Wallington, Rochelle Park and Woodcliff Lake. We will be going out to bid shortly for those projects. Additionally, we are currently working on designing pickleball courts in Westwood, Glen Rock and Dunkerhook. These improvements will significantly expand the accessibility and participation in the sport.”

6 thoughts on “Bergen County Parks Department Redesigns Pickleball Courts

  1. Ha ha ha very interesting. Huh

  2. Yeah what’s going on with a pickle ball in Ridgewood. They’ve been keeping it a bit quiet having a day. Especially with heckle and Jekyll.

  3. Something smells

  4. Fairness and availability of activities for Seniors reaches an unsurpassable barrier in the Village of Ridgewood!
    As a senior, we are apparently expected to be “old” and not want to participate in any activity that might be appropriate for our age–like Pickle ball, horseshoes and any game that takes space from the “Younger Crowd”. How dare we think we have the right to keep fit by doing things that “annoy” and “conflict with the desires” of those younger people who feel they have a right to all the available recreational space in Ridgewood? It’s too “noisy” compared to the nice rhythmetic THUMP THUMP THUMP of tennis. Compared to the loud screams from baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, etc. being “so gentle” to the concerned “young” people’s ears. Compared to very noisy parties going on in your neighbor’s backyard that can legally make all the noise they want–including bands– until 11: 0’clock PM. The rush to close down pickle ball entirely and reduce it’s hours is despicable! If pickle ball is assigned to courts that are “too near” resident houses, change the location to the ones by the Firehouse. I know those are prime tennis courts, but is there a law written that they can ONLY be used by tennis players? Open up the hours again–not all Seniors need to be in bed by 9 AM. Use your imaginations to come up with solutions other than “Shut them down!!! Reduce their hours!!! We Seniors still have rights. Most of us have paid these taxes years and years more the complainers. Please open your eyes to the possibility of solutions.

  5. Fairness and availability of activities for Seniors reaches an unsurpassable barrier in the Village of Ridgewood!
    As a senior, we are apparently expected to be “old” and not want to participate in any activity that might be appropriate for our age–like Pickle ball, horseshoes and any game that takes space from the “Younger Crowd”. How dare we think we have the right to keep fit by doing things that “annoy” and “conflict with the desires” of those younger people who feel they have a right to all the available recreational space in Ridgewood? It’s too “noisy” compared to the nice rhythmetic THUMP THUMP THUMP of tennis. Compared to the loud screams from baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, etc. being “so gentle” to the concerned “young” people’s ears. Compared to very noisy parties going on in your neighbor’s backyard that can legally make all the noise they want–including bands– until 11: 0’clock PM. The rush to close down pickle ball entirely and reduce it’s hours is despicable! If pickle ball is assigned to courts that are “too near” resident houses, change the location to the ones by the Firehouse. I know those are prime tennis courts, but is there a law written that they can ONLY be used by tennis players? Open up the hours again–not all Seniors need to be in bed by 9 AM. Use your imaginations to come up with solutions other than “Shut them down!!! Reduce their hours!!! We Seniors still have rights. Most of us have paid these taxes years and years more the complainers. Please open your eyes to the possibility of solutions.

  6. The Ridgewood Council has a problem with PickleBall and it’s present location. Their solution is shut it down, limit the hours and require constant supervision of the “wild, unruly” players. That’s not a solution. Find a new location that works and move forward with it. Be fair and work for all ages and all your taxpayers.

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