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Bergen County Quilt and Coverlet Show is at the Ridgewood Schoolhouse Museum

schoolhouse museum
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, two gallery tours will be presented by the Bergen County Quilt and Coverlet Show on Oct 1 and 2, 2021 in Ridgewood, NJ.
On Friday, Oct 1, Kay Yeomans, curator of collections at the Hopper-Goetschius House will lead the Coverlet Gallery Tour. She will discuss the evolution of Bergen County coverlet style and the images used by the local weavers.

On Saturday Oct 2, the Quilt Gallery Tour will be led by Peggy W. Norris, chair of the Bergen County Quilt and Coverlet Show. She will take an in-depth look at many of the quilts and talk about some of their stories.
The 45- minute tours begin at 9 am; admission is $25 and includes entrance to the Bergen County Quilt and Coverlet Show for the day. Only 15 tickets will be available for each tour; purchase tickets now at
These tours are special events of the Bergen County Quilt and Coverlet Show, which will feature eighty quilts and thirty-six coverlets from thirteen Bergen County museums and sixteen private collections. The show will be held on Oct. 1 and 2 at the Old Paramus Reformed Church and the Schoolhouse Museum at 650 & 660 East Glen Avenue, Ridgewood NJ. Entrance to the show is $10 for the day. Please visit for more information about these events.
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