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Bill Would Put Undocumented Residents on Road to Driving Privileges


Bill Would Put Undocumented Residents on Road to Driving Privileges

Advocates cite improved safety, access to work; opponents complain that it encourages illegal residency.

Legislation that would extend New Jersey driving privileges to the state’s estimated half-million undocumented immigrants has once again been introduced by lawmakers, though the bill’s final shape and when it might be considered remain up in the air.

The legislation –- A-2135 and S-1696 — would create a driving privilege card that could be used only for driving and not for other purposes, such as government identification. To qualify for the card, which would be valid for four years, potential drivers would have to prove both identity and residency, pass a written driver’s test similar to the exam required for other New Jersey drivers, and then pass a road test. (Kalet/NJSpotlight)

9 thoughts on “Bill Would Put Undocumented Residents on Road to Driving Privileges

  1. Can we give them a new Tesla and a thousand dollar stipend with their license too?

  2. And free tuition

  3. Dear Democrats: Just because it’s YOUR party line to support the undocumented, remember that in this quest for votes, it is bankrupting society due to unpaid hospital usage, the cost of educating their children (don’t forget all the extra school services they need because of all the catching-up they need to do), etc. Society gets zilch from them as they exist in an off-the-books economy where excess money goes to their families back home.

  4. Declan Harrison:

    Dear Democrats: Just because it’s YOUR party line to support the undocumented, remember that in this quest for votes, it is bankrupting society due to unpaid hospital usage, the cost of educating their children (don’t forget all the extra school services they need because of all the catching-up they need to do), etc. Society gets zilch from them as they exist in an off-the-books economy where excess money goes to their families back home.

    Precisely why Democrats object to Voter ID laws. All of the illegal aliens that are not supposed to be voting pull the lever for Dumbocrats!

  5. They are illegal immigrants. “Undocumented residents” is the usual sugar coating of reality done by our friendly Democratic spin doctors

  6. I Love America…….but we are doomed.

  7. But will they carry auto insurance or will they duck that law?

  8. The early intervention program is at capacity trying to teach these kids english so they can enter kindergarten.When not followed up at home it creates a
    strain on all the schools, and the services for children who do speak english but have learning disabilities.

  9. not good.

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