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Bloomberg Philanthropies to Spend $750 Million on Public Charter Schools

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, School Choice picks up momentum , in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Mike Bloomberg just announced his Bloomberg Philanthropies will spend $750 million over five years to create seats for 150,000 children in public charter schools all over the country.

A few excerpts that will make the NJEA and REA flip:

“Charter schools aren’t typically unionized so they create a culture of accountability for student progress week to week that many traditional public schools are missing.” 

“It’s the job of elected officials to make that clear and not cater to their political supporters and campaign donors.” 

In short: put kids and parents first. What a concept.

2 thoughts on “Bloomberg Philanthropies to Spend $750 Million on Public Charter Schools

  1. “Not to frequent public schools and auditories; but to have good and able teachers at home; and
    for things of this nature, to account no expense too great.” –Marcus Aurelius

  2. “Give me tax money for my teaching scam, because some dude 2000 years ago said so.”

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