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Bond-issue typo shorts Bergen County project $10M


APRIL 30, 2015, 11:06 PM    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2015, 11:10 PM

What a difference a digit makes.

Bergen County officials revealed this week that a simple error may result in a $10 million shortfall in the money available to pay for a new public works facility in Paramus.

Everyone agrees that the facility, which is expected to open by September, will cost about $18 million.

When the freeholders approved a $115 million bond issue in 2012 to pay for the facility and the new justice center in Hackensack, the facility’s cost was listed as $18 million, county officials said.

But in April 2014, the board approved a revised bond of $147 million to add a sixth floor to the justice center.

That’s when someone apparently “dropped a 1” in the paperwork and recorded the cost of the Paramus facility as $8 million, County Administrator Dominic Novelli said in an interview.

Those documents were not available on Thursday, county officials said.

3 thoughts on “Bond-issue typo shorts Bergen County project $10M

  1. yeah so much for county taking over fleet service , wake up people.

  2. another fuck up.

  3. be great to keep fleet service in Ridgewood but we’d rather pay a bunch of 50 year olds to play golf than have our own mechanics

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