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Book Review: Christopher Columbus The Hero- Defending Columbus From Modern Day Revisionism

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Once upon a time, Columbus was a hero…Sadly, that’s not the case today: Some people don’t even know who he was, or what he did; while others claim he was a villain, and are advocating for the abolition of Columbus Day and everything he represented. Accusations vary from Columbus being a racist, a rapist, a genocidal maniac, and even that he ran a child sex slave ring. The question is, are these allegations true? And, where are the scholars correcting Columbus’ record? Unfortunately, some of the misinformation out there comes from “scholars;” and even those who defend Columbus, won’t address the actual story either. In this book, the reader will learn who modern history revisionists claim Columbus was, and what he did, vs. the actual historical accounts, coming from the mouths of those who knew him well, and wrote about them for us. The conclusion will be inevitable, that is, Columbus was a Hero, and his story and legacy need to be rediscovered again today. Note: This version is the Revised and Updated 2020 Edition from the 2017 Original.

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Christopher Columbus The Hero Defending Columbus From Modern Day Revisionism

The author, utilizing primary sources in both English and Spanish, systematically identifies and refutes blatantly dishonest accounts of Columbus in undeservedly popular history books (Zinn and others). Written in a conversational, passionate style, one can easily read the entire book in an evening or two.

-Rafael.l translated texts written in Archaic Spanish or Old Spanish, also known as Old Castilian written in Columbus’s lifetime or slightly after  to gather a more in-depth view of the man and the legend.

This book is a necessary antidote to all the wild, slanderous claims made by his enemies, past and present. I learned how the lies started during Columbus’ own lifetime, and how revisionists built upon these same lies. I learned how Columbus fought with other natives against cannibal tribes in the Caribbean, and against Spaniards who murdered, raped, and persecuted the natives. His only slaves were defeated Indians, a practice common among the natives. Columbus did demand tribute from his colony in Hispaniola, but cut that in half when it was too large a burden.

-Rafael.’s reporting is meticulous and honest, almost to extreme with repeated, long references to the same source over and over. He could have found a shorter method to refer to his sources. He’s clearly bolstering his case in the best way he can so you learn to glide over the repetitions.

-Rafael. is also very even handed in the chapters where he allows for honest criticism, especially from Bartolome de las Casas, a contemporary bishop who saw the Spanish colonies firsthand and tried to protect the natives. Rafael notes that slavery was common throughout the world, and Columbus had Queen Isabellas approval of his management, urging the most humane treatment of natives.

-Rafael. is the author of “Christopher Columbus The Hero- Defending Columbus From Modern Day Revisionism,” “Columbus Day vs Indigenous Peoples’ Day- The Truth Behind the Anti-Columbus Movement” and “Christopher Columbus and the Christian Church- And Why He Matters to Believers Today.” He also writes for the Official Christopher Columbus website ( His books have been used by pro-Columbus groups to save the Columbus Day holiday from being renamed or eliminated in the United States. Rafael. was born in Puerto Rico and today he lives in South Carolina with his family.

You can add that I also appeared in the new Columbus documentary title “Courage and Conviction- The True Story of Christopher Columbus.”  You can watch it free on YouTube:

13 thoughts on “Book Review: Christopher Columbus The Hero- Defending Columbus From Modern Day Revisionism

  1. This should be required reading in high school

  2. Old European white guy. Must be evil.

    1. That IS the agenda… and EVERYONE knows it.

      1. (doesn’t even have to be Old or European to be “evil”)

  3. One of the greatest explorers of all time.

  4. Some towns around here tried to change it to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. You know, the ones who think they should make foreign policy?

    That went over very well.


  5. You would do well to read COLUMBUS: The Untold Story by Manuel Rosa, the leading Columbus expert in the world today.

  6. If Columbus goes, so should the Pilgrims, you know the people who massacred the Pequot Nation in Connecticut. Hence, no more Thanksgiving. That will go over big with the unions.

    1. and Martin Luther King

  7. What we can say is my family had a great time in New York City today. Great weather, great food, great people, everyone was smiling. Very peaceful.

  8. Happy Columbus Day everybody.
    Just think certain parts of the south you cannot celebrate Halloween if it’s on a Sunday. And you definitely can dress up as a nun in certain states or you will get a $500 fine.

  9. All of these biographies have missed the mark. Apparently we were all fed a tale of lies and invention. Columbus was not Italian after all and was not even named Columbus. Sometimes the work of scrupulous historians with a very inquisitive mind offers us a very decent and convincing account on the historical revisionism. Earlier Dr. Manuel Rosa, PhD in Insular and Atlantic History at University of Lisbon provided a book entitled ”Columbus – The untold story”, in which he presented convincing theory already partially supported even by investigations of DNA material on that man commonly known as Christopher Columbus was not of Italian heritage. The origin of the great sailor who is commonly regarded as the one who ”discovered” American continents for Europeans for the ”first time” is actually not known. All we know about his young age and his family is built on the very frail presumptions. But Dr. Rosa thanks to his tedious and accurate analysis of the available historical sources and brave as well as inquisitive mind presents solid proof in a new book COLUMBUS versus COLÓN ( that the 1492 explorer was not an Italian weaver. This is a example of a very decent and well-researched historical revisionism that is supported by the scrupulous and tedious analysis of available sources. Also Dr. Rosa’s book COLUMBUS The Untold Story, offers completely new perspective on the Age of Discoveries.

    1. You have no idea what you’re talking about AND you just wasted two minutes of my time with your psuedo-intellectual jibberish.

      I’ll accept your apology now.

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