the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a slew of candidates filed signatures and forms by the Monday deadline to run for their local school boards. Below are the details for Ridgewood and Glen Rock.
They’ll be on the ballot along with the presidential and other candidates running in the Nov. 5 General Election. (See the election schedule, including deadlines to register to vote, here)
Ridgewood: Unopposed
In Ridgewood, the district recently posted information about running on its school board elections page. They noted: Two Board seats, each with a three-year term, and one board seat with a one-year term will be on the ballot.
Glen Rock: Not As Simple
Three seats are available on the Glen Rock school board this coming Nov. 5.
NOTE: If you are running, please send a candidate bio to Patch for possible inclusion in our election coverage.
These candidates have filed to run:
- Boaz Cohen
- Allan J. Storinge Jr.
- Gregory S. Fuller
- Daniel A. Corey
- Sivan Romascanu
- Karyn A. Stephenson
Voters can choose any three.
In June, Cohen listed his goals, including restricting cell phone use at the high school, here. He then added goals this month, here.
For additional details, visit the NJ School Board website.
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With Ridgewood community members (and particularly on this blog) making personal attacks on elected representatives the norm, it’s no wonder people don’t want any part in it.
its not about you, its called “public service” ,sorry but the whole attacking dissenters by the Village Hall and the BOE with the better tow the line “soccer mom mafia”, eliminating the budget vote and the take over of the schools by the NJEA (its all about teachers) has destroyed public discourse , sunk public education and COVID showed everyone that there were other options
If you can’t take the heat … or even a couple virtual tomatoes, maybe a less public-facing occupation would suit you better.
Is Scarf Lady running again…?
The “secret” is out.
Ridgewood residents are weak and self-involved (aka Rich and Stupid).
They are happy to get fleeced and abused… and shady characters who want power are aware of this and happy to oblige.
That’s true of just about everyone and everywhere. Ridgewood is hardly special.
It used to be.
“Scarf Lady” Give me a break. You’re a rude person.
just calling a trowel a trowel
It’s time for all new people in the board of education and Village hall. The mayor, the council the management, the board of education the women’s club, the Ridgewood news, the record the suburban news they all sleep in the same bed. And you know which crazy if you watch the fine details in the past 15 years you notice that we keep having a change at the top , And the same shit Still going on. That tells us all they have a playbook and they’re not sharing it with you and I. Someone’s been running things behind the curtain. I have a feeling who it is she needs to go to.
Who is Mary Handy? I don’t ever remember a candidate by that name?
Mary Handy sounds like something you repeat in front of a mirror three times at midnight to summon her.
Normal people with good intentions avoid politics at all costs, and if a few of them are stupid enough to venture into the political arena they are quickly rooted out and choose to never run for anything again.
The real slime of society make careers out of politics because they lie enough to stay in power and steal millions as they figure out how to monetize whatever seat their ass happens to grace at the time.
You always promise to help the little people, but darn it, somehow those promises never materialize. That’s why you have to vote for them again because there is more work to be done. Meanwhile the big moneyed interests like developers, banks, corporations and every entity under the sun with more money than you gets their way every time. Gee wiz I don’t get it? I thought the politicians were looking out for us.
They divide society, get everybody worked up into a frenzy attacking each other, while they gut what’s left of America.
Ever wonder why there are never good choices in elections? It’s because our political system is designed from the ground up to reward the wicked and weed out the good. Happy voting suckers.
” I thought the politicians were looking out for us.”
Oh, they are, they are………………………….
LOOK OUT, they’re watching us……………………….!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t write if you can speak, don’t speak if you can whisper, don’t whisper if you can nod, don’t nod if you can wink, don’t wink if you can……………
“They are all corrupt, except for the folks i vote for………………….”