N.J. Assembly committee advances resolution to give voters a say on North Jersey casino expansion
An Assembly committee on Monday approved a resolution that would allow voters statewide to decide in November whether to permit two new casino licenses to be issued in the northern half of the state. John Brennan, The Record Read more
Put it in RW.
We’ll have the parking and will need to find revenue to pay for the garage…
I love it when a plan comes together…
Looking forward to bright lights, 24/7 traffic, criminal activity, drug dealing, prostitution, and a way for people who can’t afford to lose their money to lose their money. Who wouldn’t want that in their neighborhood?
Keep it in AC we do not need this crap in the north.
My first ever casino experience was at Atlantic City a few years ago. All my life, I had this image that casino patrons were high class. I guess I had seen too many movies. I couldn’t believe what a bunch of losers the patrons were. Nothing but busloads of seniors aimlessly shoveling their Social Security money into the slots. There were also assorted dysfunctional types, you know, the kinds of guys you see using the OTB places in NYC.
For a true picture of how glorious and elevated it all is, watch “Atlantic City,” Louis Malle’s first English-language film. It’s Burt Lancaster at his best and a young Susan Sarandon is also good. Wonderful character actors.