the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Upper Saddle River NJ, Bergen residents express serious concerns over brown water that’s originating from nearby development construction site.
According to CBS News ,”Some Bergen County residents say they a water emergency on their hands.”
Pristine streams in Upper Saddle River have turned brown, due to development nearby. It’s a problem CBS2 told you about last year and it has gotten worse, Lisa Rozner reported Thursday.
Ducks and turtles were recently seen swimming through mucky streams. Some residents call it an environmental disaster right outside their window. In 2017, kids played here, but not anymore.
According to renowned Boston environmental lawyer who visited recently the site and walked with us along the corridor of Pleasant Brook this is not the first rodeo for Toll Brothers as far as storm water runoff pollution violations are concerned. Even the name “The Preserve” is an old trick apparently. “[…]And in Florida, the company level-cut environmentally sensitive land for a luxury development it named, ironically, ”The Preserve.” ——— https://graphics.boston.com/globe/spotlight/toll_brothers/stories/day2_bar2.htm
Someone is looking the other way.