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Cho campaign continues to fumble Voter Registration and “Carpetbagger” Claims


Cho campaign continues to fumble Voter Registration and “Carpetbagger” Claims
October 22,2014
the  staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Rep Garrett continued to question Roy Cho’s ties to the district . Garret told the Record  “Most people don’t know who he is or what he stands for, and that’s because he just moved here,”, pointing to the 63 percent of voters who said they had no opinion of Cho.

Cho’s campaign has be mostly been made up of the typical Democrat endorsements , and his pro Obama, pro continuation of the presidents policies . Readers have even dubbed him an”Obamabot”.  Most of his website is used to attack Scott Garrett and misrepresent Garrett’s record ,with little to no substantive discussion on issues .This  Amounts to the same old ,the government knows whats best and is going to save you. Policies let call it Obamnomics,that after 6 years of President Obama resulted in a failing economy, loss of healthcare , weakness in foreign policy , enormous government debt directly impacting the Millennial’s ,who Cho claims to be helping with higher taxes, a weak job market , massive debt , no healthcare and a bleak future .

According to a recent Rasumessen Poll 65% of likely voters  thought the county was going in the wrong direction. ( )

Roy Cho said that after he graduated from law school in 2009, he considered his parents’ home in Manalapan his primary residence even as he lived in an apartment in New York City and then rented an apartment in Hackensack. Cho used the Manalapan address for voting and taxes, and it was on his driver’s license, he said.

Derek Roseman, Cho’s campaign spokesman, told the Bergen Record  Cho decided in April 2013 that he wanted to settle in Hackensack and that he changed his license and other documents to that address. Cho also filed his statement of candidacy in April 2013.

“I’m not a carpetbagger, despite the fact that these claims are coming from Congressman Garrett,” Cho said in Paramus. “The reality is I failed to change my voter registration in a timely enough fashion, like millions of other Americans have failed to do.”

Garrett Spokeswomen Maggie Seidel countered that by saying he failed to change his registration in a timely fashion, Cho was admitting he broke the law. she continued “Also, millions of Americans who make this mistake aren’t corporate lawyers who are running for Congress,” she said.

“Roy Cho should take some time to get his story straight about his voter fraud,” Garrett’s spokeswoman, Maggie Seidel, said in an email to The Record.

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5 thoughts on “Cho campaign continues to fumble Voter Registration and “Carpetbagger” Claims

  1. Don’t worry the “D”opes will vote him in.

  2. When i use the term carpetbagger it against his opponent it does not get printed but it is ok for use by the blog?

    1. Bergen record used the word

  3. As I have said before, I dont really like Cho, but carpetbagger is really unfair in this case. Carpetbagger implies someone who never lived in the district.

    Cho grew up in the area and went through school here. Went away for college and law school. He moved to the city for a bit before finding his way back to Bergen County. That’s the story for me, 75% of the kids I graduated with as well as most of the county.

    Its just that he is young so he hasnt lived here that many years as an adult.

    There are plenty of problems with Cho as a candidate but carpetbagger is really not a fair critique.

  4. #4 Manalapan is not in Bergen County.
    But you are correct, there are plenty of other problems.
    My specific problem is very unique.
    The article states he used his Manalapan address for voting and taxes.

    Does that mean he filed a tax return using a NJ address and avoided paying NYC resident taxes? If you rent an apartment in NYC, even if Manalapan is your domicile, you are liable for NYC resident taxes.

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