Jennie Matthew, with Andrew Beatty in Washington•September 27, 2016
Hempstead (United States) (AFP) – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump traded insults and sparred over temperament, stamina and judgment, in a fiery US presidential debate that often saw the Republican on the back foot.
With six weeks until election day and polls showing a virtual dead heat, the Democrat Clinton on Monday repeatedly questioned her rival’s fitness to serve in the Oval Office.
Before an anticipated television audience of up to 100 million, Clinton painted the celebrity real estate mogul as fatally out of touch and willing to say “crazy things” to get elected.
“You live in your own reality” said the 68-year old Democrat, accusing Trump of launching his political career on the “racist lie” that Barack Obama is not American.
As Clinton projected steady experience, casting herself as the voice of reason, Trump played the populist bruiser, pitching to frustrated blue-collar voters fed up with politicians and wanting change.
She prepared, he didn’t. It showed. He did not answer some questions, he just started talking. Rambled quite a bit.
How would he bring jobs back from Mexico and China? Watch the tape. Asked twice and still no answer. He did not have any idea.
Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.” Neither felt bound by the need to tell the truth. Their attacks were self-indulgent and brazen. Holt was supposed to be neutral. Instead, he willingly prostituted himself, probably because he fears being removed from the DC/NY Dem/RINO cocktail party list. Holt saw up close what happened to Matt Lauer’s reputation after Lauer was deemed insufficiently antagonistic toward Trump during the Commander in Chief event a week or so ago, and Holt had no intention of suffering the same fate. Meanwhile, Clinton was a busy beaver, slapping down lie after lie and calmly luxuriating in her “safe space”, confident that Lester Holt would leave unmolested her deceitful edifice. Holt faithfully played the part of the Palace Guard, brazenly challenging Trump for every inch of land he tried to claim. Trump has only just started laying seige to Fort Hillary. He will sharpen his strategy and improve his performance as the debates proceed. Eventually, queen Hillary will be defeated and forced to submit to Trump’s terms. And what a great day that will be.
Trump is an embarrassment to all Americans. The rest of the world is laughing at us.
we live in New Jersey we should all be used to it lol
10:13am, Trump will win the state of New Jersey on November 8th. Hillary will win California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia. Everwhere else, she goes underwater as the bloom comes fully off the rose and the voters, including large numbers of blacks and Hispanics, move on to greener pastures. Get used to hearing the phrase “President Trump”, 10:13am. Even if the rest of the world is laughing, as you so breezily claim, it certainly won’t be laughing for much longer.
I for one am very disappointed that Trump failed to capitalize on the few things thrown his way. He got a question about CyberSecurity!!! He should have redirected that right back at the CyberSecurity expert in the room – Clinton. Given her expertise, what does she think the failure in the system was that allowed the “State Actors” or whomever to penetrate the DNC which resulted in them having to fire their leader? What specific steps should be taken to prevent that happening in Government environments and what should be done to people who knowingly violate the rules? Make her lie to us again…
Mrs Clinton, Julian Asange purports to have thousands upon thousands of your emails and will continue releasing them – which of those emails are you most fearful of?
Mrs Clinton – Obama proposed Green Jobs and Infrastructure “investments” just as you have. Why will your spending have any other result than the previous spending? Why do we need to have debt-free college if everyone is going to be employed building bridges?
Mrs. Clinton, how does raising taxes on rich people encourage business expansion and job growth?
On and on – what a wasted opportunity – he had best to better next time!