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Collision Sends Van into House on Plaza Road in Fair Lawn

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, A two (2) vehicle, Friday morning, 12/11, crash at the intersection of Plaza Road and Rosalie Street, Fair Lawn resulted in two (2) serious injuries, both of which required ambulance transportation to a local hospital(s). One (1) of the vehicles involved, a passenger van, crashed into a single family home after colliding with the other vehicle (a 4-door Saturn). Fair Lawn Police, Fair Lawn Fire Company #3, and Fair Lawn Heavy Rescue responded to the incident along with ambulances and paramedic teams from the regional hospital consortium. Flatbed tow trucks removed the wreckage. Damage to the struck home appeared to have been minor in nature.

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One thought on “Collision Sends Van into House on Plaza Road in Fair Lawn

  1. Is this a thing now?

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