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Confusion reigns after promised state boost for local transportation doesn’t arrive

gas tax nj


12/05/16 05:45 AM EST

It was one of the biggest selling points for the state’s new infrastructure plan, often cited as a reason to support the state’s first gas-tax increase in decades: The new legislation more than doubles the amount of transportation aid provided to counties and municipalities, helping to finance badly-needed road projects across the state.

A day before Gov. Chris Christie signed the legislation in October, local and county officials stood with lawmakers in Trenton to give the Republican governor a final nudge across the finish line — and to celebrate.

3 thoughts on “Confusion reigns after promised state boost for local transportation doesn’t arrive

  1. Granny wienburg has already earmarked at least 2 billion of the funds for her pork barell project to bring the Hudson light rail to englewood

  2. Hosed by politicians, especially Senator Sanzari. Anyone that is shocked lives in an alternative universe devoid of reality.

  3. “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here”
    – Captain Renault

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