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Consumer Confidence Now Lower Under Biden than During the Covid Lockdowns

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Biden collapse in consumer confidence is near an all-time low and now LOWER than during the Covid crisis.

Consumer confidence is an economic indicator that measures the degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy and their personal financial situation. If the consumer has confidence in the immediate and near future economy and his/her personal finance, then the consumer will spend more than save

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2 thoughts on “Consumer Confidence Now Lower Under Biden than During the Covid Lockdowns

  1. President Carter had no balls. Remember how long you let the Iran situation going on.

  2. How can you thumbs down, are you at your mind. Do you remember him being president, forget about no balls, he had no backbone, no guts, he should’ve never been president. He might’ve been a nice guy, but he was not president material. He was a pushover, he was no Ronald Reagan, OK thumbs up give me three great things that President Carter did for the US. I’ll give you three extremely bad things he did. One the Iran crisis, two the Economy, Three Richard the military budget big time, do you need me to go on and on and on.

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