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Councilman Responds to OPRA Criticism


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, word from inside Village Hall is that Councilman Voigt has gone ballistic.  Claims he had no idea the reporter who spoke to him was going to write an article.  Isn’t that generally what reporters are paid to do; that is, write articles?

10 thoughts on “Councilman Responds to OPRA Criticism

  1. He’s just a lightning rod….can’t help himself.

  2. ” . . . to ensure the proper context was provided; and I have the right to do so.” Hey douche bag: that didn’t mean you had the right to include a pack of lies in your elaboration. Get real asshole.

  3. Jeff you lie and you lie and you lie. Don’t pretend you have been wronged. You knew a retraction letter was being prepared (and rightly so). You knew you were lying left and right in that stupid fiction you created.

  4. Hahaha, you thought the reporter was having a “personal” conversation with you? Seriously? Have you completely lost your mind? A twenty-something woman has NO interest in you. A reporter has only ONE interest in speaking to you. She asked you about your FB page and you replied.

  5. Face it buddy boy, your friend Nicolas Katzban is gone and now we have someone that is not at your beck and call.

  6. Shotty? Do you actually make your living as a writer Mr. Douchbag?

  7. A pretty lengthy response for a guy who claims he doesn’t know what he’s responding to. Methinks he protests too much.

  8. Jeff, we know you are crazy and angry but now we think you are completely insane. You are not above the law, buddy boy. You are not allowed to make stuff up to send to a reporter.

    And by the way, the official Minutes of the meetings are much more accurate than the skewed crap you put on your stupid facebook page.

  9. Yes, voigt is feigning ignorance when in fact he knew all along a rebuttal would be sent to correct his pack of lies

  10. Treatise from the insane asylum

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