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Crime Alert from the Upper Saddle River Police Department

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July 7,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, This is an important Crime Alert from the Upper Saddle River Police Department:

Car Thefts/Burglaries
Last week, the Borough experienced multiple vehicle burglaries, vehicle thefts, and a residential burglary. A multi-jurisdictional effort from numerous law enforcement agencies led to the capture and arrest of two suspects for the crimes of vehicle theft and aggravated assault on a Police Officer. These suspects remain in Bergen County Jail. Although these arrests could serve as a deterrent for future acts, unfortunately our past experience has proven otherwise. The greatest deterrent for preventing car theft is the simple act of removing your key fob from your vehicle. Every single vehicle that has been stolen from Upper Saddle River contained a key fob. Remember, after parking your vehicle, “lock it, key in pocket.”
Residential Home Burglaries
Residential Burglaries occurred in Upper Saddle River and Saddle River this past Friday (June 29). These incidents tend to occur during the evening hours before midnight. The advantage to this time frame is that it is more likely to be witnessed by a Good Samaritan. Witness reports are a key asset in Burglary investigations. So, be a good witness!
Here are some things to look for:
• A vehicle idling in a cul-de-sac
• An occupied vehicle parked in a driveway for an extended period
• A slow moving vehicle “casing” the neighborhood
• A person ringing your doorbell to test if the home is occupied. The person will often give a silly excuse if you answer the door (wrong house, lost dog, etc.).
• Any person or vehicle acting suspiciously
• Immediately report all suspicious activity to the Upper Saddle River Police Department. Write down as many details as possible including vehicle description and license plate. This can be done using your cell phone which is usually within reach. Do not be embarrassed to call us! These cases are often solved by a tip provided by a concerned citizen.
• Please, do not try to confront suspicious people or vehicles.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Upper Saddle River Police Department Detective Bureau.

2 thoughts on “Crime Alert from the Upper Saddle River Police Department

  1. ” A person ringing your doorbell to test if the home is occupied. The person will often give a silly excuse if you answer the door (wrong house, lost dog, etc.).” Don’t answer the door!

  2. What happened if I do not answer the door then they would think that there is no one home and break into the house while I’m inside the house?

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