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Deadline Extended for New Ridgewood Pilot Preschool Program


Deadline Extended for New Pilot Preschool Program

July 11,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewod NJ, The application deadline for the district’s pilot integrated preschool program has been extended to Friday, July 29. The preschool program will be taught by a dual-certified K-2 General Education and Special Education teacher.  The program will strive to engage special needs and general education preschoolers in learning experiences through play in an integrated learning environment that employs a developmental approach.  Children are engrossed in a variety of activities which promote language, cognitive, motor and social/emotional development.  Special education children are placed in the program through an evaluation process performed by the Special Programs Department.

Click here for more information and the application form.

2 thoughts on “Deadline Extended for New Ridgewood Pilot Preschool Program

  1. Lets just apply Common Core principles and slow down the pace of ALL Kindergardens to the pace that the least capable Special Ed student can handle.
    Then it will be fair and inclusive.
    This is the Common Core Approach being implemented in Math and English at the middle school level.
    Lets start at the K level so we can do away with Common Core in Middle School since the students will be so far behind in their education that they will require remedial or general level education.
    then it will be fair and everyone will be treated the same and everyone will be happy.

  2. While spending a fortune of other peoples money for yoga moms at Starbucks. Their your toddlers not mine ill pay from K to infinity but not earlier than K

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