the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, first no basic skills, now no teacher evaluations, time for school choice.In a move that has sparked controversy, the assembly education committee lawmakers on Thursday approved a bill aimed at eliminating annual teacher evaluations in New Jersey.
The measure, known as Bill A5877, received support from the state’s largest teachers’ union, the New Jersey Education Association, while facing opposition from a majority of education stakeholders, including the state principals’ and superintendents’ associations. Critics argue that the bill is being hurried through the Legislature’s lame duck session, prompting concerns about the lack of thorough consideration.
If enacted, A5877 would shift teacher evaluations to a biennial or triennial cycle for tenured teachers, with annual evaluations for those not meeting the highest standards, categorized as “partially effective” or “ineffective,” following specific schedules tied to their annual ratings. The bill was introduced on Monday, adding to the debate over the timing and implications of its implementation.
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Just close the public schools and save my tax dollars. It’s so ridiculous what’s being done in our schools. No basic skills or teacher evaluation requirements? Are you kidding? How low can we go? I guess I shouldn’t ask that question. How pitiful the school systems have become. The dumbing down of America continues. Sigh……
Wow dumbing down of America is correct. Keep marijuana legal to add to the stupidity! As Gov Murphy said ” don’t worry “our” children are protected! Really?
Yay! Equity!